Self Preservation is the undying need of any populace. Self Defense is always the final resort to any oppressive regime. A situation where any state failed to protect, primarily, the lives of its citizens, the oppressed and victimized people gravitate towards Self Determination. This is the fate bedeviling Nigeria State.
On many occasions, I have comprehensively written about the man, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his approach or should I say methodology as being hundred percentage correct; Reason being that unlike every other black person who believes in solving EVERY of their problems with what I call the "European Demographic Theory"- a situation black people solve their problems using the theories of those that colonized them.
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Mazi Nnamdi kanu is a REALIST who solves problems by weighing others experiences and postulating effective and successful solutions that align with immediate environment because there is a wise saying in Igbo Biafran dialect "Nku di na mba na eghere mba nri". This means that for every race, country, there is always a peculiar way of problem solving.
You are unlikely to get fifty percentage success by using a solution from countries of civilized individuals exposed to critical thinking, reasoning on Africa, Nigeria were there is little or no exploration when it patterns intense reasoning. In sane manner, you cannot use same strategy of people that believe REFERENDUM as a peaceful way of self determination on Nigeria where Referendum is regarded as WAR.
We must be able to fathom the differences. Some scholars will always cite examples of how things are done in the post European ENLIGHTENMENT era, and expecting same method usage in a country devoid of civilization.
Also Read: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu: My Missions On Earth
In Nigeria, when one try to engage them to reason and undergo same enlightenment phase like the Europeans they always cite example with, they tag you an Audio Freedom Fighter. This is bad.
They will always want to form alliance by licking people's ass without knowing that the only best way of winning a soul is by being able to speak the bitter truth damn the consequences. No matter how hard or painful truth may appear, sensible people end up running to it because "Truth is Life".
Fortunately, the enlightenment programs of Mazi Nnamdi kanu on Radio Biafra has prevailed on the consciousness of many, Biafrans and Oduduwa Nations in Nigeria, to understand the need for Self Preservation. Now the dyad colluded, Nigeria existence is on the brink.

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