
Correlation Of Great Britain, Biafra Civilization Tendencies | Opinion


Do you know that, currently, there is no civilized Africa nation?

No African nation can boast of civilization yet because to be considered a civilization, the following seven (7) requirements must be met: Stable food supply, Social structure, System of government, Religious system, Highly developed culture, Advances in technology, Highly developed written language. Can any African nation boast of meeting the above requirements? No!

Any day you research on WHY and HOW Europe became the EPICENTER of civilization in the entire globe then will you begin to appreciate and be grateful to God for the gift of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB, as well as welcoming Biafra Restoration wholeheartedly because: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has the Divine Mandate; IPOB is the revolutionary outfit; and, An independent sovereign nation of Biafra is the beacon of hope through which Africa continent will attain civilization.

In the history of mankind, God has always vested some kind of unique or charismatic prowess on a particular people or race to stand as a beacon of hope and light to other people or nations within a continent.

In the case of Europe, as a continent, God used the Great Britain - The Industrial Revolutionary phase started in England in the 17th century and spread through out Europe and some other continents Asia, America etc. Today Europe is, indisputably and notably, the first continent to ever attain the highest level of civilization.

During the 17th century in Europe,

The history of Europe concerned itself with the discovery and collection, the study, organization and presentation and the interpretation of past events and affairs of the people of Europe since the beginning of written records. 

In other words, during that period, Europeans subjected themselves and everything around them to reasoning and as they interrogate many things coming up with logical ends, they ensure it was documented or put into writing. It was no longer the case they depend or rely solely on their cultural, religious or superstitious beliefs rather; intense and extensive reasoning became the driving force or engine blocks of the day to day activities.

Unfortunately for Africa continent, just as Nigerians were unlucky,

God was not responsible for creating the GIANT that was assumed to lead Africans from dark age to civilization, British government was. The British government played the role of God to Africans - Remember that the names Blacks bear as a Nation in Africa is European handiwork although most people changed their name but the colonial territories still thrive, and because Nigeria is devoid with the unique charisma to lead Africa out of darkness, Africa continent abound with uncertainties.

Can a blind lead fellow blind? 

That is why in this 21st century when nations of other continents are transcending Digital age, Africa continent seems likely to be growing from Dark age into Bronze Age. 

Unless the collective conscientiousness of a people, race, nation or continent is subjected to undergo an enlightenment phase where reasoning becomes the driving engine block then, civilization is still far fetch. Africa is still poor, underdeveloped and likely in the Bronze Age because civilisation comes with enlightenment, enlightenment comes with reasoning and Black people are yet to witness transformation in reasoning.

Who then can lead them out of the mess?

Fortunately and historically, the same phase of enlightenment which started in England that saw to the emancipation of Europe is taking place in Biafra land spearheaded by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Ipob movement. Ipob is the largest mass movement Africa has ever produced. Radio Biafra London is the only indigenous broadcasters with the highest coverage in Africa most listened to around the 24hours time zone.

Soon Biafra will emerge and light will shine all over Africa as it was in Europe.

Through the Great Britain light shined all over Europe, through Biafra light will shine on the continent filled with darkness, which Africa is.

Pray For Biafra Restoration.

Correlation Of Great Britain, Biafra Civilization Tendencies | Opinion Correlation Of Great Britain, Biafra Civilization Tendencies | Opinion Reviewed by Okenwa Chinedu on December 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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