The parish priest of St. Finbarr’s Catholic Church, Rayfield, Jos, Godfrey Gopep, has warned Christians and Nigerians who engage in sodomy to desist from the act.
Mr Gopep, who gave the warning while delivering a sermon on Sunday in Jos, described it as a grave sin before God.
The reverend father likened the rising child trafficking, kidnapping and other immoral activities in Nigeria to what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, hence the reason why God destroyed it.
“God detests the sin of sodomy and anybody that indulges in it would attract His wrath upon himself.
“God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of sodomy. The people lived reckless lifestyles which did not please God.
“Today, sodomy and other sins we commit in Nigeria is far beyond that of Sodom and Gomorrah and unless we repent and turn to God, we will be in a deep mess in this country.
“Trafficking of young girls for the purpose of commercial sex is on the rise. Young ladies are kidnapped and before the huge ransom is paid, they are converted to sex machines by their kidnappers.
“Men now have sex with their fellow men, likewise the women. Some do it with animals.
“All these things are happening in Nigeria and we must turn a new leaf or face the full wrath of God,” he warned.
The priest called on parents to ensure the proper upbringing of their children.
He insisted that the family, which is the nucleus of the society, has a great role to play towards a better society.
He also admonished religious leaders to regularly speak against the evils in the society, adding that such a move would save the country from sinking.
Days ago, the Christian Association of Nigeria in Ibadan organised a prayer walk to ask God for forgiveness and peace over the nation.

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