

SECTION C – Summary Writing  Answer 1 question from this section. f) In wo short sentences, give the writer’s reason for the widespread corruption in Nigeria.

  g) In one sentence, explain the common pattern that corruption takes in the country. 

h) In three short sentences, summarize what the writer considers to be the practical solutions to the problem of corruption in the country.  

Most of the discussions in the newspapers today in newspapers focus on the problem of corruption and its prevalent effects on our national life. It is a Phenomenon which appears to have settled confortably with us, more so that we now it, in a rather casual manner, as a normal way of life. One may then wish to ask, what exactly is the complexion of corruption in Nigeria? why is it so pervasive and how can it be minimized, it not completely eradicated?  Corruption takes many forms in the country. Contracts on the objective criteria of professional competence and results of good feasibility studies. It is a matter of personal relationships, club affiliations or the expectations of some kick-backs. Loans are not given by banks on the merit of what you need them for ; it is the kick-backs from the loans that decide the manager’s approval. Those who need job either have to bribe their way through to get their jobs or do not get any.  Limited opportunities, the fast declining state of the economy, poor awareness of the rights the state allows, dire needs and a host of others as often been cited as factors responsible for the picture painted above.  Many suggestions have been offered for the alleviation of the Problem. Some of these suggestions are practical while others appear unrealistic especially in the context of the present orientation in the country. However the view being held in this write-up is that the problem of corruption can only be tackled by the application of certain practical solutions. Thus, we have to start with our leaders. It is suggested here that our leaders must learn to lead by example. It is not enough for them to condemn corruption ;they themselves must not be seen to be involved in any dirty practice. This calls for a great deal of honesty from them coupled with an an appreciable degree of integrity and the readiness to help others without expectating to be cheaply rewarded.  Our educational system needs a serious overhaul to achieve some positive results. The teaching programmes must include subjects like Civics and Social Studies which normally expose students to their rights, the limit of such right and the virtues of good neighborliness. Moral instruction in the school be tilted in favour of those imperatives that emphasize justice, fairness and selflessness. In addition we need a radical reorientation with regard to our value system in the country. Their should be less emphasis on the acquisition of material things. Those things that help to uplift the glory and name of the country need to promoted.    
WASSCE - SUMMARY QUESTION WASSCE - SUMMARY QUESTION Reviewed by Mgbara Zion Barisuka on November 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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