The leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has called upon the people from the eastern part of Nigeria- a region seeking for an independent nation, to stand up and declare their support for the newly floated Eastern Security Network
"If you’re from Eastern Nigeria (#Biafra), it’s your patriotic duty to support #ESN. You cannot be neutral or silent on a matter that concerns your security."__Kanu said.
Nigeria government is well known for its use of state military forces to intimidate and suppress hapless citizens. Most victims are those opposing or criticizing government policies and bad governance.
Citizens are often prone to fear of being tortured, arrested or executed extra judicially.
However, Kanu has encouraged people from the east to shun fear and speak out because keeping silent or being neutral only encourages and helps the oppressors.
“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented”_ Kanu quoted Eli Weisel
Apparently, an independent investigation by the news agency "Dollars Morebullet" proves that 96% of people from the eastern Nigeria are in support of the security outfit, ESN

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