Listen, while the atmosphere seems conducive for Biden's supporters now, most Trump supporters seems demoralized, afraid and unhappy following the December 14 electoral college announcement; little do people understand the "Eleventh Hour Inevitability" that will shock the world. It is indisputable that evidence of fraud abounds, not minding the shenanigans of those on vendetta mission against Trump.
President Trump will still remain U.S presidential elect come January 21, 2021 because he has the backing of majority of American populations.
Here, we analyzes events, predict things and our postulations have never failed us. Follow me.
The reality in United States is that on January 6, 2021 ( which I termed 11th Hour Inevitability), the American Congress will decide who becomes president. Congressional law stipulates that on that "eleventh hour" date, Jan 6, both the Senate President and the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, will step aside.
The vice President Mike Pence will then preside over a joint session of the two Houses ( Rep and Senate).
US Congressional law stipulates that if a member of the house raises a motion on the need to jettison the electoral votes of December 14 and seconded by another member, the electoral votes of yesterday would be thrown out.
A debate FOR or AGAINST would be held for two (2) hours before the Congress will finally vote. This time, whoever the Congress vote for will be sworn in on January 21, 2021.
Now this is where President Trump will gain favour, and of course majority of Senates and Reps are concurring to the fact that there are frauds in the 2020 election.
In the House of Reps, Democrats have twenty (20) members while the Republicans have thirty (30). In House of Senates also, Democrats have twenty-three (23) members while Republicans have twenty-six (26) members.
When you take a critical look and consideration into the above narrative, you will agree with me that chances for President Trump still abound.

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