Freedom is not an easy undertakings unlike how some of you perceive, conceive or think of. The forces behind Biafra restoration are plentiful.
Some people do not understand the forces IPOB are fighting on daily basis via Mazi Nnamdi Kanu diplomatic movements all around the world that often times, because of the wanton provocation by the state military apparatus, a typical example is the ongoing Obigbo massacre, some people will demand for arms conflict.
What baffles me is the unthinkable news of someone declaring himself Biafra Head of State inside Nigeria. This is indeed laughable.
The forces IPOB is fighting all over the world are beyond the reach and hegemony of the Fulani Nigeria government and until these forces are subdued, Biafra restoration is still far fetch.
Mazi Nnamdi kanu has also made it very open on Saturday 16th November, 2019, about the effort of the Nigeria government through Professor Pastor Yemi Osibanjo, Nigeria vice president who went as far as trying to bribe an international consultancy firm in Washington DC to stop working for IPOB after he (mazi Nnamdi kanu) finished his meeting with them.
Unfortunately for Nigeria government, the reputable firms rejected the greek gift of Osinbanjo who thought he can buy everyone's conscience with money. These consultancy firm are one of those firm that have moral ethics, they prefer justice and fairness to money; A sign that God Almighty has hand in Biafra project.
Imagine having Shell company amongst other oil companies, Julius Berger, and every international contractors working for Nigeria. The monthly turn over of shell is 20times more to compare to the annual budget of Nigeria put together.
These forces prefer a corrupt Nigeria to a free Biafra nation because they believed that they will be taxed heavily in a free Biafra nation than the free passage they enjoys in Nigeria. They would rather do everything in their powers to see that Biafra is not discussed at all in the international arenas.
Britain is the grand father of Nigeria and believe you me, they are one of the power brokers in the world coupled with all the Islamic countries are supporting Nigeria at the detrimental expenses of the Biafrans.
Then you have IPOB with just a meager resources fighting all these forces put together and you think it's a child's play?
Nonetheless, the IPOB efforts are resonating all over the world and God willing they will overcome all these stumbling blocks on Biafra freedom.
Having listed these few, you can now begin to appreciate the enormity of the work Mazi Nnamdi kanu and IPOB is doing.
It must interest you to know that after the war, the Nigeria government through their British colonial master went and falsify the true story behind the war before the international communities painting a false pictures of what really transpired.
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They also paid international journalists to write and portray Biafrans as people without history. They told them that the disintegration of Nigeria would eventually usher in 350 tribes fighting each other endlessly.
They made them believe that the war and hardship that will erupt with Nigeria disintegration is something that the United Nation can not be able to provide peace settlers to combat with. Nigeria government went as far as threatening some Western countries that should they interfere in Biafra issue, that they ( Nigeria) will make sure they are ostracized from entering any African countries. They made them believe that they are the ones in control of every other African countries.
One of the diplomat told Mazi Nnamdi kanu that the last time some people raised the issue of Biafra, the conference hall became empty, reason being that these people were ill informed, so they would not want to be part of anything that will bring endless war and hardship in that part of the world. This was what they were made to believe that the disintegration of Nigeria will lead to.
These appears to be real on the surface but with proper research you will understand that they are all lies and falsehood but thank God Mazi Nnamdi kanu is changing the narratives hence the world leaders and powers-that-be are coming to know the real story and truth behind Biafra.
That is why you keep hearing the cabals in Aso Rock lamenting now and then nobody can break Nigeria, Nigeria is indivisible, let's unite and keep Nigeria as one bla bla bla. With all these happenstances, you will understand that the Biafra quislings are not just the problem of Biafra.
In this regards, Mazi Nnamdi kanu calls upon every Biafran and every indeginous tribes trapped in Nigeria to make sure you engage the MP's closer to you, tag them in your post, send them videos and pictures of the killings happening in your area.
Make them understand what is happening in Nigeria, make them understand that we are diverse sets of people put together in one Nigeria and that we have been living peacefully before 1914 amalgamation. Let them know that the disintegration of Nigeria will only bring about the viability of each member state.
Rather than exhausting your time talking to one another, rather than engaging one the Nigeria agents on Facebook, rather than talking one beautiful nonsense on any group, rather than expecting miracle to just happen without work because it doesn't happen that way, go and tag any MP's closer to you.
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These are the little things you can do and the message of Biafra will get to the people that matters in the world so that if IPOB finally resort to arms conflict, the people of the world will not blame them; They won't say they aren't aware of Biafrans intentions.
Do you understand why Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is still delaying before declaring Biafra. People should get rid of sentiment, emotional loophole and see reason go wait for the D-Day.
Israel managed to be recognized amongst other civilised nations of the world because God willed, so shall the sovereignty of Biafra come to fruition. IPOB is still resilient, I do not see them relenting or capitulating until Biafra is fully restored and not only will they alone be freed, every other tribes trapped within Nigeria will be liberated alongside the Biafrans.
Be strong, optimistic, prayerful, hardworking and resilient for Biafra is nigh.

Baifra my nationality Nnamdi Kanu my supreme leader IPOB one biggest family