(This article did not start here, click here to read from the beginning)
Also Read: The Genesis Of Biafrans, Israel's Plight (Part 1)
After the Exodus into Cannan, the twelve sons of Jacob who later became the twelve tribes of Israel started demanding for a human king and God gave them Saul (Note that Saul came from the tribe of Benjamin) who maltreated them badly causing more divisions amongst the union.
It is also important that the Igbos (Biafrans) unlike the Israelites never asked for human kings because they believed that "Chukwu bu Eze" (God is king). This is why there was no human king in Igbo land until the post amalgamation which was the brainchild of the British government to have indirect rule of the Biafrans hence the monarchs you see today.
When David ( from the tribe of Judah) succeeded Saul, the Benjamites revolted but David tried so hard to unite the union until Absalom his first son rebelled and was resisted and killed on the process.
Solomon succeeded his father David, he was filled with wisdom and united the kingdom more than ever before and also built the temple in Jerusalem. God's promise was With David dynasty. However, Solomon's reign suffered more unrest when one of his servant, Jeroboam rebelled. Jeroboam was on the King's errand when he met the prophet Ahijah who told him that God was going to give him authority over the ten tribes. Jeroboam afterwards ran to exile when Solomon heard the message wanted to kill him.
(But something happened after Solomon's death)
Jeroboam's return from exile (Egypt) after the death of Solomon was however a tragedy and fulfilment of the prophecy. He led a group of people to confront Rehoboam (Solomon son and successor) with a demand for a lighter tax burden amongst other demands. When Rehoboam refused the demands, ten of the tribes rejected Rehoboam and David dynasty. Only Judah and Benjamin remained loyal to King Rehoboam.
Each time I see what is happening in Biafra land and meditate on Israel's story, I see two sided coin with one depicting the true history, identity and heritage of the others.
Also Read: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu: Between Black And White People
The kingdom divided into two; the kingdom of Israel (Northern Israel) and the Kingdom of Judah (Southern Israel) thereby fulfilling the prophecy of Ahijah. The Northern tribes crowned Jeroboam (the Egyptian servant of Solomon) as their king. Rehoboam made plans to mount an assault on the rebel tribes but God prevented him from taking such action.
There is a saying that when an evil leader is in power, the children of God suffered. Jeroboam's reign led to the conquest and extinction of the Northern Israel, by extension the "Lost Ten Tribes Of Israel". Do you know what he did that caused this tragedy?
(This article did not end here, keep reading from the link below)
Also Read: The Genesis Of Biafrans & Israel's Plight (Part 3)

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