So many scholars have tried narrating the story of the Igbo race as the "lost tribe of Israel", in essence those scholars were right to some extent but in this article we shall have a multifaceted narrative that you may understand properly the history of the Igbos.
The Igbo race you see today is a mongrel race and there are three people that make up the Igbo race,
First is the Ancient People; these people are the very old people, very ancient that nobody can trace their origin. They have been existing in our land from time immemorial, they are called Ndi Gboo (Ancient people)
The second people were the first wave of migration when the Israelites were leaving Egypt to go back to their promise land (Israel), some people left and came to our land. One of these people is the family of Gad. They came through Sudan, present day Niger and Yoruba land and settled in Igbo land.
The third people people were second wave of migration after the Assyrians struck the Northern Israel, the land occupied by Manasseh and Ephraim.
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The first wave of migrants - Gad and family settled in Omambala river (present day Anambra) but when they came to our land, they met the Igbo people who were already existing that was why we have name in Agulu like "Agulu Uzo Igbo" which means this is Agulu and from this Agulu you can go to where the igbos are living.
The person giving this direction can not be an Igbo person because someone in Igbo land cannot say this is the road to Igbo land. It just like someone living in Aba saying this is the road to Aba whilst in Aba, isn't it incredible? Unless someone who traveled for the first time from Aba to Enugu, next time he will say this is the road to Enugu but someone already in Aba Cannot say this is the road to Aba and viz a viz.
That was how the name Agulu Uzo Igbo came to be.
When our forefathers came - those that broke away when away when Moses was leading the children if light away from Egypt into Israel, some broke away and when they arrived to Agulu Eri and Umueri, when they arrived they were the ones that said Ndi Igbo are living this side. From there they started expanding. That was the first wave, that is why you have Umu-eri, Agulu-eri, Owe-eri, the same lineage.
The second wave came from the Northern Israel, from the red lands of Manasseh and Ephraim and they are the Mbaise, Ngwa, some parts of Abia and Arochukwu with Ohafia you are seeing today. These are the people that have tested what real life in Israel meant, they are the ones that came.
That is why apart from the Fulani people that brought their version of light skin as the result of the intermarriage and interbreeding with the moores who were also half Arabs, can you tell me any other people or race you can go to across West Africa that has light skin as well are? None! A mother can give birth and that child is almost white even without contact with white people? If you go to the Sahel, are there people with light skin by like the Fulani's by virtue of their mixing with Arab? No.
That is what tells you about your DNA.
Is it a coincidence , let us use Jesus as an example, if there is no interconnectedness or interrelatedness, why is it that only Israelites and Biafrans praise God by the names they give to their children? Let's not even talk about circumcision, why is it that only the Jews (Israelites) and Biafrans people worship God by virtue of the names they give to their children.
Do you know that the name Chizoba is the name that Jesus Christ was given- Yahweh Yeshua; meaning Only God can save and in our land before the white man brought the Bible to us, we were naming our children "Chizoba". I want you to go to the scripture, Torah and look for any traditional Jewish names: Nehemiah, Hezekiah etc. Go and find that name and find the transliteration you will find the name in Igbo land with the same meaning.
There was a priestly clan, the house of Levite (Holy People), the same way we have priestly people in Arochukwu in those days before the Jukun people taught us how to sell each other and the Glory of God left Arochukwu.
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People do not understand, they will say that Arochukwu is Ubini Ukpabi and I will tell them no. The same way the temple of Solomon was corrupted, the same way God said,
"Don't bring Idol into this temple, if you bring idol into my temple, I will ask a foreign army to conquer you"
The temple was burnt down and so was Arochukwu, exactly what happened to the temple in Jerusalem was what happened in Arochukwu. In the case of Israel a foreign force (Roman force) and in the Arochukwu, the British came in 1904 and destroyed the temple.
The same history, the same people.
The same way we have the Levites is how you have Arochukwu. People come to Arochukwu to learn how to worship God in truth and in every honesty.
Three people make up the Biafran (Igbo) race; you see the Urhobos, Effiks, etc are all Igbos, that is why our mothers tie two piece wrapper.
The ancient people were there and we intermarry and interbreed and ALL of us became Igbo. That is why I called it the Holy Trinity of Biafra - The Ancient people, the first and second wave of migrants.
Cinedu Okenwa is a student of Radio Biafra London

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