The inadequate reportage by Sahara Reporters- one of the Nigeria news agencies based in New York, on the newly floated Eastern Security Network (ESN) seems to be growing on daily basis.
First, Sahara Reporters had published an unverified figures on the population of ESN, claiming it was below or about five hundred (500) men. Also in one of their editorial, the news agency had used a misleading Headline describing ESN as a force that will trigger "insecurity" in the country, despite egregious proof that it was established to protect lives and properties of people in Eastern Nigeria.
Also Read: I'm Not An Igbo Man, My Two Parents Are From Abeokuta, I Bear Owu Tribal Mark - Obasanjo
However, this time around, the news outlet met its water lo and under serious verbal attacks on social media for referring to ESN as IPOB "Police".
Below are some of the comments by Nigerians and Biafrans

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