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Also Read: The Genesis Of Biafrans, Israel's Plight (Part 1)
The fall and extinction of the Northern Israel (the ten lost tribes of Israel) started as a result of the sin of idolatry. Please follow me....
Following the coronation of Jeroboam as the King of the Northern Israel, he consolidated his power by instituting a form of calf worship unique to his kingdom and declaring that pilgrimages to Jerusalem were unnecessary. Thus, the people of northern tribe would have no contact with the Southern Israel, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. They Northern Israeli abandoned the God of their fathers; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and started worshipping idol and God spirit left them, the Assyrian king Shalmaneser V striked and conquered the northern Israel deserting and causing the ten tribes into exiles.
This is a lesson for Biafrans and why everybody must jettison Idol worship as Mazi Nnamdi kanu would always admonish.
The Southern Israel, kingdom of Judah however were besieged by the Babylonians for 70 years but later freed, they are the modern day Israel we have today. And because they were the only one who preserved their culture and heritage even while in Europe, everybody in the present day Israel both Samarians etc became Jews ( People from the tribe of Judah). Note that this modern day Israel only came back as united union in 1948 ( 2000 years after Christ death)
The same way the tribe of Judah preserved the Jewish heritage, so has the Igbos preserved the Biafran heritage. One people, same history.
The ten tribes from the Northern Israel have never been seen till today. Although historians and archaeologists have traced some of the lost ten tribes to West Africa, USA, Syria etc, the good news is that God, in His infinite mercy, has promised a reuniting of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms thus,
"He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; He will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the quarters of the earth; Ephraim's jealousy will vanish and Judah's enemies will be destroyed; Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah nor Judah hostile towards Ephraim (Isaiah 11:12-13).
Also Read: The Genesis Of Biafrans, Israel's Plight (Part 2)
Each time I read this verse and seeing the coming together of Israel and Biafran people, the new design of the Biafra flag having the star of David, I knew that God's promise as seen in the book of Isaiah is about to be made manifest in our time.
And like the Israelites managed to prevail amid every shackles and odds and have a formidable, viable and robust country today, Biafra shall prevail definitely, our enemies shall be destroyed and jealousy, envy, gluttony, avarice amongst Gods Children will disappear.
Like Biafra like Israel like God's Nations.

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