It is very easy to get a cat and rat rapport in one cage than to get one, two or more Biafrans agree on one thing.
Apart from the fact that Biafrans acknowledged that Chukwu But Eze (God is their King), one of the greatest challenges they have, their inability to have a human king or leader lies in their overly "Individualist Traits". Everybody tend to be a master of their world, they tend to be capable, know it all, can do it alone, have their own divergent views.
Fact abounds that Biafrans are hardcore Republicans- people with divergent views. Some white historians have attested that the democracy you see today practiced all over the world started in Igbo land (Biafra).
In Biafra land, everybody has their own way of doing things thus the familiar slogan "E nwere ka esi eme ya" - There is a way of doing it.
This individualist trait, over the years, has poised a great challenge to their collective interest especially when it patterns leadership because for you to lead people with such individualist trait, you must posses an exceptional leadership charisma which is either equal or more superior to their collective divergent views.
So in essence nobody was willing and capable to pay the price of self sacrifice, self denial just to lead (serve) the masses. The people's General, Dim Ojukwu won Biafrans heart over and they followed him till death.
The problem worsened after the civil war as nobody was willing and capable to bring them together so they became more divided, an Urhobo man started denying his brotherhood with the Igbo, Izon etc and viz a viz. The apex sociocultural groups (Ohaneze & Pandef) did absolutely nothing to foster the unity of their people
Chief Ralph Uwazurike came and was fighting for an Igbotic Biafra nation leaving his brothers in the coastal region. Biafrans were confused about their origin, relatives and so the problem of disunity deepened. The British government in the past had masterminded the "Divide and Rule" mechanism through Willink Commission and Gowon creation of Cor States.
The peoples General Dim Ojukwu (late) once said, "n'ihi na Igbo enweghi Ézè, ha enweghi ézé". He was literarily pointing to the fact that Biafrans can not push harder to achieve a common goal in Nigeria because they are divided, no atom of collectivity like other region when it pattern national affairs.
Who dares talk about Biafra let alone having a collective interest to pursue it convincingly and without fear after the Biafra/Nigeria holocaust war? Biafrans became a confused race, people without focus, people without collective interest, people without leader and at some point, the language was predicted to extinct after 50 years.
But today, that weakness of Biafrans has been defeated, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has set a template in people's hearts, which seems to have permeated their DNA, blood and bone marrows. "It is either Biafra or Nothing", Biafrans will recently proclaim without fear. How this became possible is only through Divine intervention, it is a mystery. Now they have a true leader (MNK), a collective interest (Biafra restoration), they are without fear to get Biafra by any means in absence of peace accord by the Nigeria State.
The worst thing the Fulani Nigeria government will do is planning to engage Biafrans in war, believe you me they are totally mistaken. Imagine how history will narrate Nigeria's experience now that Biafrans are awakened, enlightened, equipped to fight for their freedom from the damnable contraption Niggaria should they embark on arms conflict.
Nigeria state should sue for peace accord or allow Biafrans exit the union in peace

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