There is this story of a man who goes on errand for everything his wife demands and any epoch he failed or tried to disobey the wife's order, that day comes with beating and starvation from the wife. She was an iron lady.
But there is this crazy thing about the man, he would always cajole or denigrate his friends who only assist their wives occasionally and at leisure insinuating that they are weak and submissive.
In a scenario where you found yourself with such a friend, how do you fathom his tricks or hypocrisy when you can't subject your brain to deep reasoning?
I think this was exactly what the Missionaries depicted especially most of them from Europe and Asia and we never reason deeply, we never engaged our brains and they exploited us.
It is on that basis that we shall engage our brains to reasons by outlining some of the things they experienced and solved their problems but on the other hand turned blacks into docile hearted human unbefitting of respect because,
In every ages, there are past experiences of suffering, inhumane treatment as well as positive changes that may always present itself for explanation, subject for discussion, references and lessons for the upcoming generations. In this piece, we shall extensively bring some of these deeds that we may seek answers, learn from them, make reference with them or correct them as the case may be.
Do you know that in Europe and Asia where some of these missionaries came from there were historic periods of Revolution and Enlightenment? Do you also know that after that period, many wicked souls were killed and virtually everything and anything that revolves around them were subjected to reasoning which enabled Europeans attained a feat of civilization and development?
But something came to my mind, "Does it mean that at that time in Europe where these missionaries came from and where they were killing their enemies, which of course pave way for development, they didn't heard the gospel of Love your enemy as yourself and pray for them? While they preached to you about forgiveness and want you to forgive your enemies including the fulanis and saboteurs, they never forgave their traitors not even the least of them. They didn't and will never let you know.
Do you know that the Slave Trade in Africa which was against the law of God in the book of Exodus was signed and affirmed legal deeds by Pope Pius IX? They never told us that they were the ones responsible for the trading of our forefathers as slave.
Do you know that the book of James (a Jew and Jesus brother) contradicted the Epistles of St Paul ( a Gentile)? Whereas Paul (formerly a Gentile) who never met or seen Jesus preached wrote in his book quoting Jesus thus,
"Salvation is no longer of the Jews but the Gentiles"
James, a Jew and Jesus brother wrote citing that Jesus never said such as Paul narrated. It is like an Hausa man writing a fictional message of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu contradicting that of a hardcore Ipob member who always listen and follow MNK. The missionary never told us why such contradictions should be there.
Do you also know that the real name of Jesus is Yeshua? They missionary never told us why the Jewish man they preached about now bear and answer JESUS instead of YESHUA. If Indeed the names mean the same thing why can't the name if not written in the exact language due to transliteration, have the same sound or pronounced exactly the same way?
If the name of people changes so obvious like that Yeshua, I wonder why the name "Trump" and other names of public figures still have the same pronunciation in the world without a slight change like Prumt or Turmp as the case may be. They are yet to tell us WHY.
Also Read: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu: Between Black And White People
Do you know that in Britain where the Anglican missionary that gave us Church of England (Anglican), they never supported any of the oppressed Christian nations seeking for freedom? But there are countless occasions where the same Britain is responsible for assisting virtually all the Islamic states gain their independent around the world.
The missionaries never told us why their government treats us with belligerence. They never told us WHY and THAT a Black man can never become the Holy See (Pope) of the Universal Church (Catholic).
They never told us why the Holy Bible comes with so many versions with some containing the numerous chapters that others didn't have.
They never told us why our forefathers were killed and used to design Christmas Tree.
There are so many instances and references but until answers and discussions on these context is ascertained properly, there is something still fishy and suspicious about them.

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