The Volunteer Force!
I mean the IPOB Volunteer Command.
Are you surprised? You might be pondering;
What has the Biafra Army got to do with ordinary group of young Biafra youths marching and protesting the whole streets of Biafra? The unimaginable is they are even without arms. Is a joke right?
How can they withstand the Almighty Nigeria military apparatus heavily armed and equipped to the teeth?
Yes, I know your thought is clouded with so many questions and interrogation as to WHY the volunteer but I wish to state categorically clear that what you undermine as ordinary and common has been the brainchild of every successful revolution all over the world and, every nations that undermined the army of volunteer had done so at their own peril.
Go and study the Zionist Movement in Israel, the Slovak revolution, German revolution, French revolution, etc and how they started, you will discover that they army of volunteer were the brainchild of their success. History had always held this caliber of army at high pedigree, they are insurmountable, unstoppable, fearless and formidable to the core.
Never in history, story or fairy tales had the army of volunteer heard of being defeated. They are the last enemy any nation would wish to combat or contend with because you can not defeat an army you can not see.
The most distinguished thing about the army of volunteer are;
They willingly accepted death.
The volunteer army depends on willing recruits. In this time when the need for self determination, preservation and defense of the lives and land of the Biafra people is sacrosanct and imminent, these volunteers are motivated and driven by their sense of patriotic duty to defend their motherland, Biafra and protect the lives and properties of their people.
Unlike the conscripted army (the likes of Nigeria army) who are compelled to fight against their wish - we saw some of them absconding from fighting Boko Haram, the IPOB volunteers willingly accepted death and to fight with the last drop of blood.
The volunteer army are the most fearless, gigantic and formidable army ever in the history of mankind. Do not bother about guns, they have something greater than gun - COURAGE and BRAVERY.
They are invisible.
How then can the Nigeria state afford to fight and invisible army. The army of volunteer are more deadlier than snipers because whereas the latter shoot their enemies or target from afar, the former aim their enemies from near.
The worst mistake the Nigeria State and her military apparatus would ever do is trying to engage an invisible army like the IPOB volunteer force. Those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat history.

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