Never in history has it been heard that intimidations and oppressive tendencies quell ideology of any freedom oriented movement. The Nigeria State never learn from history hence there exist continuously offshoots of terrorist groups within the country.
Understand this, most of the violent people and groups you see around in the world today were once a very peaceful, harmless and good people? Do you also know that some grumpy haters and killers you knew today were once friendly and to some extent very loving and cheerful people you can always wish to have around you as your friends?
Some of the group of people we generally condemn in our judgmental attitudes towards their violent approaches were once patience in the midst of inhumane cruelty, they had to endure injustice, subjugation, marginalisation. Most of them have suffered the agony and pain of beholding their loved ones killed, their women raped and tortured unjustly by their oppressors in their very own eyes,
Even the "State Department Of Justice" that are instituted to be the only consolation and final recourse of the least, common or ordinary persecuted people, are now influenced and driven by the powerful men instead of justice in this our world today.
Some persecuted groups of people have always wished that their friends, neighbours and families could be of help but help doesn't come from there either, even as they have waited on the appropriate institutions of law and powers-that-be around the world to come to their aid but they always end up being neglected.
When they turn over to the religious institutions (churches, mosques, temple) that supposed to be a beacon of hope for mankind, those institutions and their representatives at some point turn out to be the worst place for anyone to seek for help, they will never speak up on their behalf or speak against the oppressors as they would turn a blind eye to the plights of the persecuted people.
And as usual they will cry and weep bitterly for succor but there was no sign of such coming to them. Honestly speaking, some of these very people we usually condemn for resorting to (self help) did everything humanly possible to be a good member of the society they found themselves in but their good deeds and magnanimity were usually taken for granted.
They were often seen as the most gullible, foolish, fainthearted cowards and degraded second class human species with no values and treated as such until they (the oppressed) would have no choice than to wake up (the beast in them) which will in turn metamorphose into something their oppressors least expected or imagined, by then it would have been too late to go the negotiation table.
At this point it is very imperative for us to understand that every human being have that good, cheerful, loving, caring and magnanimous character as well as the other evil opposing side of them,
Meaning that every good things equally have bad side of them.
For instance, when a man married a loyal and respectful wife, it is therefore very essential for
him to respect and love her in return, and when he does otherwise, he will see her turn into a monster he cannot be able to handle or control anymore, viz a viz. Such is nature and the law of "Action and Reaction" - For every action there is always an opposite or equal reaction.
The World at large often times are, hypocritically, blind to the cries and woes of the oppressed groups of people across the entire continents of the world, they always ignore the request of a peaceful and non violent populace until these peaceful (oppressed) people resort to arm struggle, and that is usually when they are taken serious by then it is too late to begin to undo the damages that must have been done.
This was exactly what happened in the case of the Boko Haram terrorist group, those who still remembered when they started will attest to the fact that they were once protesting peacefully and demanding for an Islamic state in the North East of the contraption called Nigeria but as usual, they were neglected and taken for granted by the powers-that-be,
And just like the law of Action and Reaction, the evil monsters in them were aroused the very moment the Nigeria State and her unprofessional armed forces in collaboration with their British colonial masters killed the leader of the group, Yusuf Ibrahim. The provocation was unbearable and they picked arms.
Imagine what would have happened with IPOB had the Nigeria army succeeded in killing their leader, Mazi Nnamdi kanu?
Today Boko Haram are globally recognized as one of the most deadly terrorist groups, nobody remembered when they were peacefully carrying out their processions making their demands,
Please take note; that I am not in any way supporting the acts of terrorism or the likes of it, and neither am I advocating for a violence means of agitations but we must understand the key words here - Actions begets equal and opposite reactions. You cannot beat a child and expect that child not to cry.
Some religious clergy in our contemporary times will always claim that revenge is for God and nothing more, they fail to understand that even Yeshua (Jesus) when he saw the people buying and selling in the temple, he got annoyed and acted weird to the amazement and expectations of everyone.
Maybe some will be saying why should he fight for God, He yeshua (Jesus) should have known that revenge is for God alone isn't it?
But God himself has given us everything we needed to protect ourselves with don't you agree?
Do you know that under normal circumstances, the invention and productions of guns and others sophisticated weapons we have all around us today wouldn't have been necessary neither is it be allowed into existence in the first place, but because we lived in a wicked world where anything can happen like the insurrections of wild animals and probably human invaders and killers who usually lunch unannounced attacks on their fellow human being in order to kill and pillage the spoils.
Now these weapons were perhaps created for survival and self defense.
So If actually these men of God are being sincere including those of them that are opposed to arm struggle or self defence (but seldom practice what they preach) then why
do they go about with heavily armed security men who always escort them to wherever they go but at the same time they will give their banner, posters, stickers, and apparels to their members and followers to use as a means of protections? Very laughable and sad indeed!
People can really be quite deceitful towards their fellow human beings. It is important to note that these clergymen needed these armed security for their protections and safety knowing fully well that some persons may try to lay ambush on them as they move about their normal business and this is a pointer to the fact that great level of insecurity abounds all around us today in our contemporary world (unknown action) and they needed armed security (equal reaction) for protection. What an irony?
And if this is the case then why are they deceiving people with the (vengeance belongs to God mantra?) Why shouldn't people who have been killed, raped, tortured and unjustly subjugated to inhuman conditions avail themselves with arms for self defence and protections?
Also You don't expect the Roman Catholic Church to be mute when they woke up one morning and discovered that the Vatican city has been taken by Muslims do you? But the only thing the pope could do for persecuted Christians in Nigeria is just to prayer for them.
However From the above symbolic references it behoves on you to understand that the last hope of human survival is (self defence otherwise known as arms bearing/struggle)
God is Supreme and our only hope for everything we do here on earth but He has given us everything we need as humans including weapons of war (for self preservation and protection). I am saying this especially for those that might try to get it twisted or misunderstand me later, (the message is very clear and succinct)
The people of Biafra have suffered and is still suffering in the hands of Nigerian governments and her colonial masters the British,
But the UN, ECOWAS, AU and other world powers are keeping quiet even when self determination of the indigenous populace of any nation is enshrined in the UN's charter, 2007, I wonder why they have chosen to turn a blind eyes as if they are not seeing the unjustified killings that is going on against the Biafrans. However they should understand that we as a people have sworn to restore Biafra and nothing on this earth can stop us.
The world should know that every Biafran born and the unborn is ready to pick up arms once the order is given from the appropriate quarter,
So they should take into cognisance and note that it is far more better to prevent a war than sending their hypocritical humanitarian aids and peace keepers for their peace keeping mission, it is better to stop the killings of innocent people of Biafra than observing a hypocritical sympathies.
Finally, it is better to stop injustice by supporting the peaceful Biafra referendum than paying lip services to an impending cataclysm.
The best way to win a war is to make sure it never starts.

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