Full Text Of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's Message Compiled, Edited And Transcribed By JOURNAL REPORTERS (Page 2)
21. You must remember this always. The fight we are engaged in is not of a canal nature, it is very very spiritual.
22. The same efulefus that fought Ojukwu, the same idiots across Nigeria that fought Ojukwu restructuring- they gave birth to their children and today, those idiots fathered by Fulanis janjaweed are fighting us because Biafra is the kingdom of heaven upon the face of the earth; the beginning of the genuine liberation of every black persons on this very earth.
28. Lucifer doesn't want Biafra to come agents of darkness in Nigeria and beyond do not want Biafra to come because they know what Biafra portends.They know that with Biafra and ordinary Fulani boy will be able to go to school; they know that with the coming of Biafra, the entire black African race will be liberated from centuries of unsolvable hardship and poverty. They understand that very well, that is why they are fighting.
29. When you see idiots like Wike and Umahi, they are doing the work the devil, Lucifer or darkness. The same thing Ukpabi Asika did against Ojukwu, that is what Wike, Umahi with your so called governors are doing.
30. Have they been able to defend you against Fulani Janjaweedism? When Nimbo and Uzouwani were attacked by Fulani herdsmen, all these efulefus did nothing. When people were being raped and slaughtered in Edo State, the then governor did nothing. Even right now, Delta state is under siege but they have done nothing.
31. Therefore, I found it very very distressing that human beings that claim they are educated or, have a semblance of exposure to enlightenment and reason will rise up one morning to side the governors.
32. These are things that you must understand and bear in mind; that the same difficulties Ojukwu encountered with people, Igbo's especial, is what we are encountering today.
33. As an efulefu from Ijaw, Ibibio, etc: Are we all not suffering today? Who is enjoying now, I ask? Kem Saro Wiwa that betrayed Biafra, was he not killed by the Fulani man? Who are the people that own oil wells in Ijaw, Ogoni, Ibibio, Annan? I'm asking them?
34. The idiots that refer to themselves as southsouth, Niger Deltans: How many oil wells do you have? That was what Ojukwu was fighting so you can have access to your resources but out of your jealousy, you sided Abacha, Mohammed, the Obasanjos of this world.
35. Today all the billionaires you have, not a single Biafran is among. The only thing some of you idiots do is fighting those who are fighting for you.
36. After fighting Ojukwu from 1967-70, how is your life today?
37. Ojukwu went to Aburi to go and get restructuring for all of you, to make your lives better but the same way they used their propaganda machines led by the BBC is how they manage to get at you till this day.
38. You know we are black people, just like today we are celebrating a Gregorian New Year's Day because one Pope, somewhere, decided that he wants to be having his Christmas every winter. That's all. He changed the Calendar of the world and turned it upside down.
39. Today when you go to Africa and see how people are celebrating the New Year, nobody is asking any question- Is this the actual beginning of the year? Absolute nobody. That was how they brainwashed all of you, washed away your brains and common sense, you can no longer reason.
40. After the Arabs must have sold us as commodities, the Europeans came and took us into the Americas as slaves, sold our children as slaves because we don't reason properly.
41. Today we are being killed in some parts of America isn't it? A boy was killed in Ireland just the other day. Now the Chinese are coming because they understanding how foolish black Africans are.
42. Every races will always enter into Africa because they understand foolish Africans are; they know we are going to be fighting each others and not them; they under what I called the "genetic defect and deficiency" in the brain of a black man
Continue Reading from Part 3

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