It is often difficult for black people to accept truth unless its coming from White people. You have a scenario where blacks accept virtually everything handed over to them by white European without anybody rising up to query or ask; How come?: Why this?
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been enlightening black people on the need to wake up and start reasoning like normal human beings or keep falling prey of white supremacists.
According to Kanu,
"You know we are black people, just like today we are celebrating a Gregorian New Year's Day because one Pope, somewhere, decided that he wants to be having his Christmas every winter. That's all. He changed the Calendar of the world and turned it upside down.
"Today when you go to Africa and see how people are celebrating the New Year, nobody is asking any question- Is this the actual beginning of the year? Absolute nobody. That was how they brainwashed all of you, washed away your brains and common sense, you can no longer reason
"After the Arabs must have sold us as commodities, the Europeans came and took us into the Americas as slaves, sold our children as slaves because we don't reason properly.
"Today we are being killed in some parts of America isn't it? A boy was killed in Ireland just the other day. Now the Chinese are coming because they understanding how foolish black Africans are.
"Every races will always enter into Africa because they understand foolish Africans are; they know we are going to be fighting each others and not them; they under what I called the "genetic defect and deficiency" in the brain of a black man"
Vindicating Kanu, Tracy Zille tweeted
"Africans were hunted like animals, sold as slaves and made to work in Europe for years. Today they are still working for Europeans in mines, farms, stores and companies right here in Africa. Yet they claim to be free and independent. Own your mines, farms and oil.
"Africa will remain poor until Africans learn to love each other as Blacks. Europeans are united and their countries use one currency which is Euro (€). African money don't have value because it is used by individual countries. One Africa One Currency One Nation
Below are some of her posts on black people, although SAD but the bitter truth

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