The unnatural ordeal behind the existence of many African countries, especially Nigeria, is something that calls for a rethink.
The IPOB leader, Kanu however has argued how people despite their level of exposure and enlightenment still do little or nothing in correcting what was/is imposed on them: one of which is the forceful amalgamation and the name "Nigeria".
According to Kanu,
"A White man and his baby girl traveled all the way from the British Isles, a whopping 4,164.2 miles to Lokoja to create a country the pair named "Nigeria" for the shameless, unthinking miserable souls in the geographical contraption
"In one fell swoop, all the history of your existence as a race of people, some dating back to 5,000 years, was obliterated in one night by a drunken woman and all you can do is sit back and claim in your monumental ignorance that you are a proud Nigerian. You have NO iota of shame, honour or dignity. Tufiakwa!
"What do you think your ancestors will make of your mind numbing ignorance? With all your education, intellect and wisdom, what have you done to correct this sad tale? Can you as a black African travel to Europe to create a country for them?
"Evidently present day Africans cannot claim they were created by Almighty God, because in TRUTH they are products of European conquerors. They are not the children of God, they are more like the children (slaves) of European kings and queens that created and named them despite their warped education.
"The problem of Africa lies in our brain and how we reason. We still cannot articulate a way out of the mess European colonialism put us all in. Genuine independence of ethnic nationalities from these artificially created neo-colonial enclaves you call countries/nations in Africa is the only solution.
"How can you proudly refer to yourself as a Nigerian after looking at this building? Nigerians, I feel sorry for you lot!
Africa continent seems to has begotten a liberator in the person of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the separatists mass movement in Nigeria, the Indigenous People Of Biafra.
Kanu, an Igbo-Biafran by birth holding dual citizenship- Nigeria and British, has been at the forefront of enlightening black race on the need to deploy extensive reasoning to unraveling things and events around them, embrace their origin and not wholly relying on European detect, creation and culture.
However, Honorable Sir PLO Lumumba, in one of his interview, had enjoined Africans to listen to kanu's message
N/B: The photos are the photo of the building in Ikot Abasi (Aluminum City) where the Amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Protectorate was signed and sealed in 1914.

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