Nigeria In The List Of African Countries That Accepted Money From The US To Help Depopulation Agenda__Anonymous Report
Anonymous has released a statement alleging that Nigeria government is complicit in the egregious depopulation agenda.
Anonymous is a decentralized international activist/hacktivist collective/movement that is widely known for its various cyber attacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations, and the Church of Scientology.
The organization accused some African countries of accepting money from the incoming US administration, Joe Biden, to get 30% of the population of every country killed via the COVID-19 vaccine.
"Some African Countries already accepted money from the US (in Billions) to help the depopulation agenda, Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, Swaziland to Name a few already accepted, they target 3billion people from Africa, they have a target for every country and that is 30% of the population of every country, this means, if Congo has 1million people as population, they would loss 300,000 people, first step to destroying Africa, get 30% of all countries down"__Anonymous said
Prior to Anonymous statement, the upcoming US President, Biden, yesterday has stated that his adminstration targets to achieve 100 million shots within 100 days in office.
"My administration will do everything we can to get 100 million shots into arms by the end of our first 100 days. This is the time to set big goals and to pursue them with courage and conviction, because the health of the nation is at stake."__Biden revealed
Speaking to African people, Anonymous admonished that although the government will make it compulsory but everybody stand their ground and resist the vaccine that will kill you gradually when taken
"This is a fight for the people themselves, your leaders already sold you out for money and this is the time for you to stand your ground. They would make it compulsory but you must stand your ground! They would force you but you must stand your ground!
"This supposed Vaccine would kill you gradually when taken, it has an elapse period of 2month, this means, who ever takes this vaccine must die within a space of two month (plus or minus one month)
"Be informed." __Anonymous
Reacting to the evil mission of some Americans, Anonymous said it will expose their evil plan.
"We warned the Americans earlier, we would expose your evil plan! You wanna be the once who control the world, rule the world and even decide who dies??? This would not be allowed as long as Anonymous remains! If you make this plan for Africans, then we all are not safe! When you finish with Africa, you would turn to the rest of the Races! But listen, that would never happen! And remember......
Expect US
____Anonymous January 19, 2021

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