(This article didn't start from here)
NLG - Natural Liquidified Gas!
This is what Chinese government needed to possibly attain the status quo of becoming the world power and also survive economic strangulation by US. Coincidentally, that which China seeks lies in Biafra land.
Although China are belly-fulling Nigeria with bulk debts hoping that Nigeria is unable to pay back so she could buy over Nigeria NLG; the Nigeria House of Reps sometime announced that those running the government of the dead Buhari has ceded Nigeria sovereignty to China, which ever way,
How IPOB Outshines Nigeria, Gains International Sympathizers (Part 2)
The US can not allow China get that She seek yet US need a strong oppositional party to overrun the APC party- turned Chinese Communist Party.
Which Party could that be?
PDP would have been a best option for US and her allies but then those currently in APC were once PDP memebrs; they are people without ideology and consistency. What could have made one cross carpet to another party when the other gain authority if not gluttony? Such people can not be trusted as they can betray you at any given opportunity. The whitemen understand that these people cannot be trusted as they are only driven by their gluttonous traits. So PDP was never the best option.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB?
Although the EU and US may not be too interested in Biafra course, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has given them reasons to work with him and having seen the consistency and discipline of Ipob unlike any other Black characteristics, they key in to the Biafra ideology.
Moreso, if what the Chinese seek lies in Biafra land and that only Ipob has the mettle power to withstand APC and in essence Nigeria, so be it! US government and her European allies will have no other alternative than allow Biafrans gain their independent. Mind you there is no permanent friend or enemy, what you have is permanent interest. This can only be the Lords doing.
What is the chances of Chinese government helping Nigeria should war erupt?
The chances is rare because China will be faced with the economic sanction from US who will ensure through her allies surrounding China; such allies include Miamey, Vietnam, South Korea etc. All most all the nations bordering China are under great influence of US. So its easy for American to get China
Secondly, China has an internal crisis. Hong Kong, Thailand and other region within China seek to be independent. Russia which is a strong ally to China will only cease the opportunity to collect back the vast land Chinese government forcefully took from them. Russia would however want a weaker China to get back their lands. So you see China is faced with more challenges and might possibly pay little or no attention to Nigeria if things got worst.
Nigeria is indeed in an Almighty mess, as Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB have outshined Her at the international domain. The recent development is that even the Arab world are likely to abandon them this time around considering the Peace Accord with Israel, US ally, and the need to focus on developing their countries from decades of war damages.
With the European allies in support of IPOB ideology, Biafra Restoration is more easier
How IPOB Outshines Nigeria, Gains International Sympathizers (Part 1)

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