She said to me, "You cannot tell the heart whom to love".
All in a bid to prove to Her that I sincerely love Her, I ignored a obvious signal of "I don't not love you" - I took it as nothing. She went further to remind me of how my father was conquered and my mother seen screaming loudly- Give me water.
But I asked Her "Do you love me?" She wouldn't say anything. I took her silence as YES; She might have feelings for me but probably scared that I might hurt her.
I was so attracted with what my eyes saw on Her- the beauty of her Green and White coloured F-shirt; her supername as GIANT of her counterparts beclouded my sense of reasoning; I was thinking that her vast bodily expansion would be source of milk and honey; although I knew that her masters and founding fathers treated my ancestors with cruelty, belligerence and pathological hatred, I was hoping and praying that one day God will transform her into a better entity.
I had to consult those who brought the message of salvation in our land to plead on my behalf for her to love me; I seek adviced from my friends, uncles, elders - I consulted all my relatives even my Daddy GOs about how she slapped and beat the hell out of me but they told me to keep praying to God.
Unbeknown to me, I never knew that all those I sorted help from - starting from the salvation preachers to my uncles to my elders where all her partners in crime. They were simply beneficiaries of her immorality.
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I will explain HOW keep reading, my story though tragedic ended on a joyful atmosphere because in the end, I escaped and overcomed my weakness.
Amid that period I was wallowing in darkness and ignorance thinking I could make her heart love me, care for me and make me a happy man,
Lol and Behold,
A Messenger came calling on me, asking me to overcome the only weakness of mine that lies in my inability to reason things through. He further explained that if I can be able to use my brain and of course common sense then will I discover her tricks and chameleon move; that I would understand her disastrous agenda to use and dump me; I will know her mission to render me and my unborn generations useless and unproductive; and that only then will I be able to understand the grand conspiracy of those preachers, my relatives and their allies towards taking advantage of my weakness - Inability to use my Brain and reason critically.
I became more upset with the Messenger because for him to use such denigrating, derogatory and painful words on me is unacceptable but then I became engrossed with thinking thus,
"Although this messenger's words appears too harsh from the surface: it is nothing compared to the slap I received from her; it is not as painful, excruciating and depressive as the hot water she poured on me; it is not as painful compared to the moment my deceased sister, in a bid to locate me, was raped to death by hoodlums when she locked me up in her stinky dungeon; it is nothing compared to my pieces heart she left me in with constant betrayal and starvation emotionally and otherwise,
So I decided to pay maximum attention to the Messenger even if not for any other thing but to have a companion and, just a moment with him I was totally delivered. My spirit resurrected with an unquenchable fire. My whole body rejuvenated, my central processing unit started sending out clear signals of her reality, her true essence of existence to my hearts. In fact my whole body experienced transformation and behold,
I discovered that I was chasing after shadows.
I discovered that Her F-shirt, vast bodily expansion, giant attributes and all others things including the horses she ride on were all Expired products, they are fake and a mere geographical expression.
I discovered that those preachers were even the people packaging her with heavy cosmetics to appear beautiful from outside whereas inside of her has long been deteriorated and decomposed.
I discovered that those of my elders and uncles were all her beneficiaries, they were exploiting me through her.
I can go ahead to outline my discoveries but for the conveniency of you reading this piece, I discovered that I have been destined to marry the most beautiful maiden on earth- Biafra.
Never again will I abandon Biafra!
Never again will my eyes deceive me!
Never again will I neglect reasoning with my brain and common sense!
Never again will I love the foul player, Nigeria! Never ever.
Loving with just the heart keeps you in the world of smart and foul players because the heart only love what the eyes see as well as what the ear hears. Therefore it is advisable to combine your brain with heart in loving so that before the eyes and ears would send wrong signals to the heart, the brain is there to first process, rationalize, interpret and come out with positive results.
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Only those that combines the two organs - Heart and Brain get hold of true love. That is what we need to get hold of our true love, Biafra.
This is a clarion call for Biafrans and Black people to start thinking things through, always apply your common sense rather than depending, believing and relying wholeheartedly on whatever the Europeans made you to see and hear.
An Ode to my beloved Nation, Biafra.

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