Spare the rod and spoil the child (Proverb 13:24).
You can never understand Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his leadership style if you are not spiritually inclined; if you are not conversant with the word of God on the need to be disciplined physically and spiritually because,
"An undisciplined body is a body prone to sickness; an undisciplined soul is one easily fallible to temptation".
So many persons have always seen him as being harsh, rigid and someone incapable of loving but little did they know that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is just a replica of the Biblical quotation above; He is an embodiment of tough love parenting as the scripture admonished.
Any child pampered and coddled usually end up being a nuisance to not just the patents but the wider community; lack self help and often dependent.
Unless you find answers to why an acclaimed"independent" country like Nigeria with uncountable professors and doctors in various field of studies still depend on foreign aides, goods and services, loans to thrive then, you may unlikely understand how useless an undisciplined child can be in the society.
Nigeria is an entity without discipline because even their founding fathers (Zik, Awl & Bello) were confused to understand that it is never the duty of a stranger to name their children Niggarians. How responsible can offsprings of such people be reasonable, independent and resourceful?
Who and who is Nnamdi Kanu parenting? Does it also include the elders we have in Biafra land?
This is the reasoning capacity of those who proudly call Zik, Awo and even a Muslim man, Bello, FATHERS yet they fail to understand why the term father is used on Nationalists.
The above questions therefore can only emanate from immatured minds because a leader is a father to the wider society; Nnamdi Kanu is indisputablely the leader of Ipob, the largest mass movement bar none and by extension Biafrans at large. He is a father to every Biafran. You can choose to deny this fact as a rebelous son may deny his father, its up to you. He is like a father that expresses tough love on his children.
By definition tough love is "the promotion of a person's welfare, especially that of an addict, child, or criminal, by enforcing certain constraints on them, or requiring them to take responsibility for their actions; the method of encouraging self-help by restricting the assistance of others."
Tough love is discipline and discipline is loving.
Discipline is necessary for good upbringing, as in She lets Richard get away with anything—spare the rod, you know. This adage appears in the Bible (Proverbs 13:24) and made its way into practically every proverb collection. It originally referred to corporal punishment.
How would have Ipob survived this far; be strong to withstand the provocations and pressure from every angle; be a global phenomenal; laugh a community radio app etc without discipline from within and members doing the needful? Can a body be proactive without discipline? No.
The whole body of Ipob as a movement and their Conduct of Conduct (CoC) is discipline-in-action that any body it passes through automatically experience change in character and reasoning.
Also Read: IPOB Not A Violent Group, Can't Bomb A Church.
How can you overcome power obsession as a black man without a disciplinary measure to contain them; without a TEST to prove it? Do you see why Biafra will never be like any other useless African nation?
Tough Love is a disciplinary measure given to people with the intent to help them in the long run. If we are not disciplined, we can not be useful, reasonable and resourceful in Biafra nation.
God never spared Israel when they err yet that never see God as a wicked Father.
My message to every Biafran is though some disciplinary changes may not be in your favour NOW, certainly it will favour you in the long run and the future.
I see a robustic, republican, self producing, disciplined and independent Biafra nation coming and very near.

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