Indeed Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is the "Master Planner".
If people can predict your moves, it gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables, be deliberately unpredictable, it will keep them off balance and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves.
This is the 17 Law of Power by Robert Greene.
Also Read: The 48 Laws Of Power By Robert Greene
Some people called Nnamdi Kanu a noise maker and a rabble rouser. They said he had no definite plan for Biafra that what he does is just to make noise about.
One week ago these people may not have been entirely wrong. What we saw Nnamdi Kanu do for the past 5 years was talking on radio Biafra, issuing empty threats and lambasting politicians. How could anyone know that something was going on behind the scene?
Nnamdi Kanu deceived everyone here. He made all to believe that he was in fact a noise maker. He secretly kept them off guard. Here he was invoking the 17 Law of power.
It was only few that believed him, few trusted him firmly and this few were called idiots, gullible and brain washed. They were led by deep faith in Biafra and an unfailing love for the man who has become “another Savior”.
Follow me.
So, Kanu convinced the learned population that he is a noise maker and everyone that didn’t know it was guilty of culpable ignorance.
He never gave them chance to take him seriously, he said one funny thing after another to deviate attention. The plan was still intact and fast springing.
In fact during the Obigbo massacre he made himself look even more foolish, he was not yet done so it was too early to announce himself. He talked as usual and suddenly he disappeared.
Estivation is a period of isolation when an organism replenishes it’s strength and comes back anew. When a snail estivates, it covers it’s shell with tick saliva for months, when a snake estivates, it goes into a quiet corner to shed it’s skin and when a man estivates, he goes into isolation from his usual environment.
Nnamdi Kanu has estivated twice, the first was after the army invaded his compound, the second was after the first wave of endsars. Each time he estivated he always comes back energized and with renewed inspiration.
After his first estivation, he came out with a diplomatic war against Nigeria in the international theatre. After the second estivation he came out with physical war against terrorism and Janjaweedism.
Now, the question people are asking themselves are: How did he create an armed group all the way from London? Who bank rolled him? Why didn’t the Nigerian authorities find out?
No one can know the answer except the master planner and we have only one, his name is Nnamdi Kanu.
Written by Viral: The Biafran Analyst

Master planner indeed