Like King Solomon in the scripture, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was, secretly, building a house on solid rock and foundation yet you had thought he was a novice.
For past eight years, many people have doubted, accused and ridiculed Mazi Nnamdi Kanu because they thought or felt he is just a social media noise maker, an audio freedom fighter, a runaway coward who is unable to organize security forces to defend the oppressed, suffering and dying Biafrans in Eastern Nigeria from Fulani herdmen and extra judicial execution by terrorist in army uniform.
Others accused him of embezzling the Defense Fund meant to feed the same uncountable men out to defend Biafra land now. Can you for once feel remorse and apologize to this man, Kanu over your false allegations? I doubt if some of you can do that.
Some compared him (Kanu) with Asari Dokubo, Uwazurike et al citing how Asari, and others, is the King of the Creek in Niger Delta fearlessly confronting Nigeria Government to its face and inside Nigeria. Little did they know that those lots are stakeholders in Nigeria, under a heavy payroll by the Nigeria government. Chief Ralph Uwazurike had just confessed and attested to that.
I was wondering how you want or wish a righteous, truthful and honest man to trade the paths of those crumb beggers. How mistaken have you become for comparing Kanu with them.
Because of envy, jealousy and pride, you refused to discern to the good sides of Kanu: How he is the only one Nigerian presidency are scared of; How he refuses to take bribe, like Uwazurike, to betray what you and I yearn for, Biafra; How he endures, thrives and overcomes the emotional wrenching that his parents death may have contributed.
And because you never consider the danger of exposing, publicly, premature security outfit you resorted to degradation, denigration and character assassination of the person, Kanu.
Before your very own eyes, you have seen sand like number of men under ONE command of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu,ready and willing to defend and protect us from Fulani rapists, terrorists, kidnappers and bandits.
Imagine having two security rivals whose modus operandi is opposing and contradictory to each other. While the Nigerian Army, as usual, will try to @ give the Fulani terrorists a rail or shield, the ESN is there to protect Biafrans from Fulani menaces. Understanding that therein Nigerian Army contains repented Boko Haram, Fulani terrorists will convey the message that they Army will always protect the interest of their people, Fulani.
This is the time to show Kanu, who means well for us, full support because the Fulani Nigeria terrorist Islamists in Army uniform are restrategizing to combat ESN. The Fulani government, in cooperation with the Eastern governors, will try to camouflage ESN, attack our people in other to proscribe ESN. Eventually, they shall fail.
Ukwa erugo oge ya, ya mere o ji daa. The African Breadfruit is ripe, that is why it has dropped.
If you know, you know.

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