The recent video footage (below), released by IPOB Leader- Nnamdi kanu, capturing Nigeria military patrol in Isiama Afara-ukwu Ibekwu, his hometown in the midst of escalating terrorism in northern Nigeria has once again proven that the military is only professional when it patterns engaging and/or killing unarmed innocent civilians.
Recall that Amnesty International (AI) had reported how the Nigeria Security Forces (NSF) kill innocent protesters, bury them in mass graves to cover up crimes. ICC president has also indicted NSF of war crimes and crimes against humanity. This is sad!
Therefore, whatever the Army is planning in Kanu's hometown isn't far fetch from AI, ICC reports respectively.
The pertinent questions every sensible Nigerians should ask is:
* What are the Fulani Nigerian soldiers looking for in Afaraukwu Ibekwu?
* Is there any insurrection within, along or on the Afaraukwu Ibekwu community?
* Why did the Nigeria Army abandon Sambisa, Adamawa areas of North- where terror reigns, to a peaceful region in the East?
The display of military MIGHT in Kanu's community by NSF could be likened to the case of a man, whose house is on fire, chasing after rodents (rats).
Whilst the Fulani Nigeria soldiers are busy chasing after shadows, gyrating twice monthly, in front of Kanu's house in the village, Boko Haram and other Fulani terror groups are busy slaughtering their own people like chickens in the Arewa North.
Karma at work; as they Army keep patrolling around Isiama Afaraukwu, Boko Haram are busy patrolling the streets of Adamawa.

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