Full Text Of Mazi Nnamdi kanu Radio Biafra Broadcsat On Thursday February 4, 2021, Transcribed, Compiled And Edited By JOURNAL REPORTERS (Page Four)
149. In 1960 of Independence, Azikiwe and Awolowo begged the Sadaurna of Sokoto, Ahmadu Bello, "please allow these your people to go to school", they said no. Only few will go to school, the rest will remain at home so that when you go to the mosque on Friday the Imam will tell you who to vote for, who to kill, which shop to burn down, and you go and do exactly that.
150. But now they have risen. You know that God has a way of fighting for His children, everything happening in Nigeria now is punishment from God, for the role that these Nigerians played during the war against Biafra.
And I say it openly that it will continue until five and a half million people will die for what you did to Biafrans because we did absolutely nothing to them.
151. They just wanted to wipe us out from the surface of this earth with the help of the British, but God intervened. That's why we're still alive today, if not our race would have been wiped out from the surface of the earth.
152. They planted the seed of division in us, somebody from Ahaba will say that "I am not Igbo". You are from Delta but you say you are not Igbo, hey! Chineke! I don't know what type of god made these people. And now we are suffering.
153. Ask yourself why the East couldn't raise up a security network until we came, they couldn't do that until we came, because they were afraid of the North, their masters. If not for ESN do you think Yoruba people will have the courage to go and sack Fulanis from their forests? I'm asking you this question.
154. If not, was Amotekun not there before? So when we hear all these gossipers talking rubbish about us, we don't listen to them, because we don't hear side talks, we continue with our mission, and that is why we will always win.
154. The know where their own bandits are, but they can not bomb them. But in Orlu, they came with their helicopter to bomb the place, and that is how that little boy died there. But of course vengeance is coming, in the same vicinity, because if you kill us, we will revenge.
155. They know where their bandits are, but they came to South East in Orlu, the z** soliders came with helicopters to kill members of Eastern Security Network who are protecting the villages against Fulani herdsmen. Have you heard of such rubbish before? Of course only in the z**, z**logical republic!
156. And they keep saying one Nigeria, and people don't know the mess they are in. The decomposing body of kidnapped Atlantic based Edo Prince, Eloniyor Dennis Abuda was found in the forest on January 30th, 2021. Who killed him? Fulani, along Ore, Benin express way.
157. A top security chief who spoke in confidence authoritatively confirmed the discovery. Where can all these happen? It's only in the z**. And tomorrow morning, somebody will wake up and say, let us work for the unity of one Nigeria.
158. ESN can go there to clear them, but if we do that, they will say we want to replicate the march of Lagos in 1967 by Biafra, that "we don't want them here". That time they used to tell you, we are different, you are mid-West, we are Bendel. All Fulani was doing was to divide you to conquer you, that was what Britain taught them.
159. And British intelligence officers are in Abuja right now, advising them how to conquer you. Because Britain feels that if they conquer us, if they were taking 100 barrels of oil for free before, they will start taking 200. It is a conquest of the intelligent by the unintelligent.
160. When we lost five and a half million people, Biafrans in the world's second worst genocide, BBC did not say anything, it was swept under the carpet.
161. People are discussing everywhere that Amotekun asked Fulanis to leave Yoruba land, that no Governor has the right to ask any ethnic group to leave a state. He did not ask the Fulanis to leave, it is those bandits in the forest that he asked to leave.
162. Let me ask you this question, are Igbo people not living in places in the North? If you go to Sokoto will you not find Yoruba people? The Yoruba people living in Bauchi, are they living in the forest? They are all over there but they do not constitute nuisance and attrocities so no one complains of them.
163. And by the way, isn't open grazing banned in Nigeria? I heard one of them saying, "give us money let us buy land". It is only in the z** that this can happen. Imagine El-Rufai, saying we should establish a firm law against anarchy.
164. Meanwhile he was the one who said that he has paid the Fulani to stop killing people. He said he went to their place in the Sahel, in Niger. Just look at El-Rufai, that midget, he is the one that brought Fulani and insurgents to Nigeria and I wonder, people of the z** if you don't think. Use your brains for once now, don't behave like z** ani**ls.
165. You don't know that it is a race, after Buhari, El-Rufai is warming up to be President, he wants history to have his name that he was the one that deeped the Qur'an into the Atlantic.
That is why none of them will rise up to condemn the attrocious behaviour of the Fulani herdsmen because they want to conquer you. If you like believe, if you like do not believe.
166. Igbo people! Who did this thing to you, this self hate? You want your people to be conquered. Anyway, I'm not surprised, these are people who can wake up one morning and decide to use their mothers for ritual.
167. They say I am organising a gorilla warfare against the mechanism of Buhari's millitary. I am simply defending my villages and my towns, I am defending the East, but someone who looks at the dictionary and mixes words together from the University of Ibadan where they grow saboteurs is saying I am fighting Buhari.
168. Anybody who went through the University of Ibadan is a potential saboteur, a liar, betrayer and a traitor. Maybe this one is a librarian from the zo**logy department I don't know, writting rubbish.
169. A security network that was formed to protect our mothers when they go to the farm, a security network that was formed to drive away illegal terror encampments in our land, someone is saying something completely different from our objectives.
170. And he is an Igbo man, M.C. Asuzu, maybe he wants to be a Minister in the z** so I'm not surprised. He doesn't believe in what Kanu is doing, that was why he wrote this junk.
But did it bother us? Of course not. Because I see all these things as energisers, as a boost to do more, I never take them as challenges at all.
171. It's either Biafra comes, or we all die and it's as simple as that.
172. Imagine the Governor of Taraba writing to the Presidency to allow his people to bear arms, but ESN can not bear arms. Why are they now requesting for arms? He said noble people of Taraba state paid him a condolence visit in regard of one of his men who was killed in Taraba state by gunmen.
173. So janjaweed in the North are now pleading for guns to be made available to them to defend themselves, and somebody is questioning why ESN should be armed. That is to tell you that the z** is very foolish.
174. But there is something that irritates me, people ask me, "why do you fight for Biafra? why do you fight for IPOB? why do you do what you do?" And I say to people from the North, the central part of Biafra, those from the coastal region.
Have you ever asked yourselves this question; "why is it that Igweocha sea port and Calabar sea port is not working"?
175. And they say that we live in one Nigeria. Why is it that only Lagos port is Working? That is why I have regard for these new Yoruba agitators that have come up now, wanting to be free.
176. Let me ask Yoruba people this question, if the roles where reversed and Lagos port is not working, and Calabar sea port is the only one functional in Nigeria, how would you feel to come from Lagos all the way to Calabar to clear your goods, how would you feel?
It is a very simple question and if you can answer this question correctly, then you will know how we feel too.
177. You know we have a sea port in Warri, one in Port Harcourt (Igweocha) and one in Calabar, but they have not made it functional. So you see, the alliance you went into with the Fulani, "you scratch my back I scratch your back" is unravelling now.
178. How can you be able to sit in a country and you talk about equity and fairness, when you people are the only ones allowed to have a sea port? Is that fair? Which other country in the world do you have only one sea port apart from maybe Germany, because I think they have only one sea port which is in Hamburg.
179. The Britain you got Independence from, they have sea ports planted everywhere. Why do you people like to connive and collude with the Fulani to cheat other people, is that a good thing to do? Now Lagos is congested, the port is congested. Is that a good thing?
180. Why don't you move some of those ships to go to Warri and off-load for those who are in Edo, those who are in Delta, to proceed to Igweocha, to Port Harcourt to off-load for those in the South East, to proceed to Calabar to off-load for people who are in that part of the world? Why this level of greed?
181. Do you see why we want Biafra? Why we want to be on our own? Because there is a level of insincerity and wickedness in Nigeria which I can't tolerate personally.
Why should Lagos be the only viable sea port? Answer that question, and I'm sure you cant answer it. And when people talk rubbish

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