
Simple Ways To Get AdSense Approved On Your Website


If you are interested in making money from your blog or website, then this post on simple ways to get AdSense approved on your website would be of big help to you.

It is not news that many bloggers struggle to get AdSense approved on their website. Well, in this article, we will be starting from the root. Thus, we will be looking at what exactly AdSense is (for beginners in the blogging sphere), how AdSense works, how to know if your website is eligible for AdSense, and finally, on simple ways to get AdSense approved on your website.

Let’s get started, shall we?

What is Google AdSense?

The term Google AdSense might sound a bit strange, especially if you are a newbie in the blogging sphere. Google AdSense is a Google advertising placement service, previously known as Google AdWords

Thus, Google AdSense software is designed for website publishers that wish to show targeted text, audio, picture, or video adverts on their website pages and make money when visitors view or click on the commercials.

Why exactly do you think bloggers are particularly interested in organic traffic on their websites? When bloggers sign up for a free AdSense account, AdSense profits are produced on a per-click or per-impression basis. It follows that the higher the traffic you get, the higher chances you get of visitors clicking on the ads on your website, which invariably translates to more AdSense profit.

Do you control the ads that appear on your website or blog? Well, not exactly. Google AdSense is contextual in nature, which means that the sort of advertisement you receive from Google on each page of your website is determined by your content. So, you can select the format of ads to display (video, picture, text audio), but you cannot convert it from one form to another (audio to text)

For example, if a company runs an image ad on Google, Google will display the ad on your website in the same way. Your content and platform just serve as a means for Google to target audiences with advertisements, and you earn money when the audience clicks on the ads.

What is vital is that each ad is relevant to the content or page on which it appears. For example, any Google ads you see on a page regarding betting must be relevant to the content, which must be related to sports.

How Does Google AdSense Work?

Google AdSense is based on revenue sharing and a cost-per-click (CPC) model. It costs advertisers (companies or brands) each ad click, and publishers (you) receive around 68% of the cash an advertiser has put aside for each click.

Publishers that wish to participate in AdSense place JavaScript code on their websites. When a visitor visits this website, the JavaScript code retrieves advertisements in the form of pictures, text, or both from Google’s servers and displays them on the webpage.

Google will only display targeted advertising on your website that is connected to the content on the web pages where the code has been added, and you will get compensated if your site visitors click on such ads.

The more clicks and impressions you produce for AdSense ads, the more money Google will pay you. And, according to SEMrush, you get 68 percent of the money Google gets from ads.

Is my Website Eligible for Google AdSense?

Is my Website Eligible for Google AdSense?

This is a critical question. You don’t just create a website and apply for Google AdSense. Several prerequisites must be satisfied before you can apply for Google AdSense. You may apply for Google AdSense even if you do not match these conditions. But one thing is certain: you will not receive the approval you want. Let’s take a look at some of the prerequisites that must be met before applying for Google AdSense.

1. Original Content

We hope you know being a blogger or website owner doesn’t equate to being a writer? You need original and unique content in your websites before you think of applying for Google AdSense. Thus, depending on your blog’s niche, you may need to hire writers for original and unique content. This might be a bit expensive if you are just starting out in the blogging world, but trust us; eventually, your commitment and sacrifice will pay off.

Some blogger/website owners might argue that original contents aren’t that important in the Google AdSense approval process. But this is a big misconception! Google is now ensuring that the websites it approves aren’t just a lot of spam content or individuals who are copying and pasting stuff from other websites.

Google wants good results in their search engine result pages, so there’s a considerable risk you’ll be refused if you don’t have high-quality content.

Just make sure your website has high-quality content. You may read the Google Publisher Policies to learn more about what Google believes to be excellent.

2. You Must Be At Least 18 Years Old (Not in All Countries)

This prerequisite does not apply everywhere, but it’s worthy of mention. For instance, this age limit is not required in the United States and many other countries.

Note that in this instance, it’s pointless to lie about your age. This is because to sign up for Google AdSense, you must have a Gmail account, and Google LLC controls Gmail. As a result, Google already has your personal information. And Google refers to such information whenever you apply for a Google AdSense account.

If you are below the age of 18 and wish to apply for AdSense, all you need to do to correct this is have a parent or legal guardian sign it. Just keep in mind that the checks will be made out to that individual, not you, so make sure it’s someone you trust.

3. The Website Must Be At Least Months Before Applying To Google Adsense (Only In China And India)

This requirement is only applicable to individuals in China and India. Bloggers/website owners must have their websites for at least six months before applying to Google AdSense. So, if you live in one of those two nations, you’ll have to wait six months.

It is assumed they did this because many fraudulent websites were developed and pushed into the Google search results ecosystem.

4. Make 10-15 posts

Remember we talked about having high-quality content on your website or blog, right? Well, such high-quality content should be up to 10-15.  This is to show Google that you’re serious about the business of owning a website and that your website has some content that can be monetized.

In general, you should have 10,000-15,000 words on your website. If you have 1000-1500 words for each piece, that’s an excellent starting point. This will help you get approval for Google AdSense since it demonstrates that you have a thorough understanding that Google only requires top-notch content.

5. You Must Have Access to Your Site’s Backend

It is one thing to apply for Google AdSense and another to be approved and able to install the ad code on your site. This is only feasible if you have access to the backend of your website. You won’t be able to add the code to your site unless you do so.

This needs to be included since it is very conceivable to own a website yet have no influence over it. Having access to the site’s backend would be difficult if you didn’t know your admin login information. So, before applying for Google AdSense, make sure that all access to your website’s source code is clear.

6. Your Website Must Be in A Supported Language

There is no way around this particular prerequisite. The language in which a site is built is also important in obtaining Google AdSense approval. Some languages are restricted by Google and are not supported by the AdSense service. This is done to guarantee that Google AdSense is understood by the intended audience.

The following are languages approved by google: Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (European and Latin American),

If the language of your material is not included in the list above, you may need to rework it or wait until your chosen language is added in the future.

7. Make an ‘About Us, Contact Us and Privacy Policy’ Page.

This may sound a bit absurd, right? Well, we are not surprised as many bloggers and website owners tend to overlook this particular requirement. Before applying to Google AdSense, you must have an About, Contact page, and Privacy Policy page on your website.

Why is an About Page so important? Well, the reason is simple: when Google reviews your website, they want to ensure that it is real. Thus they want to know who is behind the site. You may also list the various staff members on the About page.

What about the Contact page? Why is it so important? Well, for one, Google wants it to be possible for your website visitors to contact you if necessary.

What about a Privacy Policy page? Most newbies in the blogging world are confused as to be what should be contained on the Privacy Policy page. Your Privacy Policy should page explain how your app or website handles personal data to your visitors. Your users should also be aware of the reasons for collecting information and how long they will be kept on your servers. You must disclose this even if you do not collect any personal information.

Fortunately, you don’t have to stress yourself creating content for your privacy policy page since there are a plethora of various generators by searching Google. The most crucial thing to understand is that Google demands particular language in your privacy policies.

Conclusively, having these pages on your website will help to authenticate the fact that you are a reputable business. When Google looks at you from an AdSense standpoint, this is quite essential.

7. Your Website Must Comply with Google Content Regulations

Your Google AdSense can get rejected more than a thousand times if you fail to comply with Google content regulations. These regulations/policies serve as a guide for publishers regarding the sort of content that may show Google AdSense and as a deterrent to explicit material.

As a result, any website depicting any of the following components is unlikely to receive Google AdSense approval:

  • Mature content
  • Pornography
  • Shocking content
  • Threats
  • Excessive swearing
  • Hacking hints
  • Malware
  • Substance abuse
  • Weapons sales
  • Terrorism
  • Racism

For example, if your website has information on any of the topics listed above, even if it is only one page, don’t bother applying for Google AdSense. Google will reject your application outrightly.

Note that if you run a health-related website and feature supplements that aren’t proven or appear to be shady, Google AdSense may reject you. Now, you may understand why many bloggers shy away from creating health niche blogs.

8. Don’t Use Copyrighted Images

Having only high-quality content on your website also applies to images. As a thumb rule, only use non-copyrighted photos on your website.

If you just go into Google and take a picture and post it, there’s a strong possibility that your Google AdSense won’t be approved.

Are you confused as to where to get non-copyrighted images? You can utilize these two recommended sources: and is absolutely free, while requires a subscription, which might be a bit expensive for a blogger who is not earning yet. But it offers a wide range of photographs at a fair price if you sign up for a monthly subscription.

9. Make Your Website Appear Decent and The Navigation Simple

The ninth step is to make your website seem presentable. This does not equate to purchasing costly themes, but you should ensure that your website looks excellent.

WordPress comes highly recommended in this regard because it has some default themes that will give your website a presentable look.

Also, note that you don’t need a lot of graphics to make your website look decent or presentable. Provided it is well-organized and appears to be a website; you are good to go!

10. Don’t Use False Traffic

We believe this is quite obvious, isn’t it? Note that fake traffic does not always imply bots. Fake traffic manifests itself in a variety of ways. For instance, fake traffic also manifests when you click on AdSense links yourself or hire friends, family members, or others to do so. This form of traffic is illegitimate and illegal.

Google wants clicks on Google Ads to come from really interested individuals. It is completely forbidden to use any method that intentionally creates impressions or clicks on your Google Ads.

If you are detected manipulating your traffic, you will not only lose your ability to earn money with Google AdSense but you will also be blacklisted.

11. When applying for Google AdSense, Remove All Other Ads

If you keep getting rejected and aren’t sure why make sure you remove any existing ads from your website.

Although Google states in its terms of service that using other ad networks in conjunction with Google AdSense is entirely permissible, when you apply, your website will be reviewed.

But to play it safe, simply remove the advertisements while the application is being processed for the three to five days it takes Google to approve it. After they accept it, you may go in and add any other ad network you want.

Simple Ways to Get AdSense Approved on Your Website

We have discussed in length the necessary prerequisites for getting your request for Google AdSense approved. Now, what exactly is the procedure for AdSense approval? Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to and sign up for an account. Please provide all of the correct information for your Name, Address, Website URL, postal address, and email address, and other basic information.

Step 2: Sign in to your AdSense account and create AdSense codes. Insert the codes into your blog’s sidebar.

Step 3: Ads will appear blank until the final approval procedure is completed. Note that it normally takes Google 24 to 48 hours to assess and accept your application. If you follow the processes outlined above, you should be able to get authorized shortly. Your website can begin showing advertising after your account has been authorized. If your application was refused, make the suggested changes and reapply in 3 to 4 weeks.

Step 4: You will receive a confirmation email after AdSense has been approved.

Step 5: When your AdSense earnings hit $10, AdSense will send you a PIN through the mail.

Step 6: Sign in to your AdSense account and enter the Pin you receive once you’ve received it.

Last Step: You have completed all of the steps at this stage. Google will mail you or transfer your earnings once your account hits $100. It is advisable that you allow AdSense payments via direct bank transfer.

How to Boost Google AdSense Earnings

How to Boost Google AdSense Earnings

Getting AdSense approval is the first and easiest step in the grand scheme of things. Making money with Google AdSense is a different story altogether.

As a result, we will present you with methods and suggestions to help you increase your AdSense earnings.

1. Position Ad Units Above the Fold.

The higher you position your Ad Units on the page, the more likely they will be viewed and clicked. While having advertising above the fold is beneficial, do it with caution. Don’t overcrowd it with ad units. Users will get dissatisfied if they open a website and all they see are advertisements, making it difficult for them to read the genuine content.

2. Incorporate Advertisements Within the Post’s Content.

When it comes to AdSense and improving AdSense earnings, one method is to mix your advertising in between the posts. Although this method may degrade your content experience, it will undoubtedly raise your CTR and overall AdSense earnings.

3. Allow Text and Image-Based Advertisements

Allowing your ad units to show both text and image advertising increases the number of ads competing for space on your site. More advertisers in the ad auction will generate greater bids, resulting in more money for you.

4. Make Your Ad Units Larger in Size.

Forget about the other size options provided by AdSense. Bigger is always better. When utilizing this method, forget about blending it into your content; instead, make the ad obvious such that consumers can’t ignore it. Advertisers demand larger ad units for their premium inventory, which results in higher ad placement bids.

5. Strategically Position Your Advertisements

The location of an ad on your website might influence the number of clicks you receive. Because each website is unique, it’s difficult to say which part is ideal for inserting advertising. What works for one site may not work for another site. Thus, you may need to experiment with ad placement on your website until you find the most strategic position.


In a practical sense, making money out of blogging or owning a website might not be so easy. This is why we which is why much emphasis is placed on a blog or website that is properly set up from the start.

It is also very important that you choose a friendly niche blog, as your AdSense income is entirely dependent on your website’s niche.

We hope this post on simple ways to get AdSense approved on your website is satisfactory to you. Good Luck in your blogging journey.


Simple Ways To Get AdSense Approved On Your Website Simple Ways To Get AdSense Approved On Your Website Reviewed by Mgbara Zion Barisuka on December 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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