Bill Gates And Wife, Pledges $70m To Ensure Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine To Every Country in the World
The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates and wife have pledged to donate $70million dollars to ensure that everyone around the world had access to the new COVID-19 vaccine.
According to him, It reads, “COVID-19 anywhere is COVID-19 everywhere. That is why we have to ensure that everyone gets equal access to tests, drugs, and vaccines when they are available -- no matter where you live in the world."
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The new vaccine also faces challenges in distribution because it requires special ultra-low-temperature freezers that aren't found in typical doctor's offices — an issue that led many to speculate there could be disparities in its administration.

Bill Gate and wife, perish with your money. Your worshippers of satan. May your future be dead and your children beg bread. Evil genius.