What do you know about Unalienable Right to Self Determination of Indeginous populace as enshrined in the UN Charter 2007? Do you also know about the Right to "DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE?
The above context is where we shall build a background in other to fathom if there is any chances of Biafra restoration sooner than later because when I hear some people arguing that the coming of Biafra may still take 5-10 years from now, I concluded that such people are unaware and ill informed on how international politics works.
Under international politics, there is no permanent enemy and permanent friend, all you have is permanent INTEREST. Biafra of 1967-70 might have been unachievable due to certain diplomatic loopholes and mistakes but I can assure you that Mazi Nnamdi and Ipob are something else.
I call him the Game Master who knows how to play international politics, that is why the Biafra of 2020 is far more difference with that of 1967.
Conservatively speaking, 60% of the Western countries including USA you see today as an independent nation came to existence by process of Unilateral Declaration Of Independent (UDI).
The thirteen states of America were the first oppressed or colonised indeginous people that set the pace for "Self Determination" on 4th July 1776 which today is internationally recognised by civilized nations.
At that time when they Americans can no longer bear the sting of colonization by the Great Britain because, they believed that; Every people have certain inalienable rights including right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, All men are created equal, Individuals have civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others,
The thirteen states at that time came together and having understood their right to self determination unilaterally declared themselves independent. It is a peaceful and civil way of saying we want to stay on our own and manage our things ourselves, the British government had to recognize and respect their God given rights as stated above. Today USA is the world most robust economy and she is doing exceptionally great even more than those that colonized them.
Other nations amongst which is Rhodesia did same, Rhodesians declared themselves independent in 1965 without the consent of the British government also colonizing them at then and today they are recognized amongst other independent nations.
Shockingly, two years later, Ojukwu did the same thing United States and Rhodesians did but the same British government came after Biafrans, aided Nigeria Government to kill 3.5 million hapless people. What a wicked world! British action was not only hypocritical and belligerent in nature, they acted devilish and uncivil.
On the 24th October 1945, the United Nation officially came into existence by virtue of the agreement and signatories of the following countries - United States, United Kingdom, China, France, the then Soviet Union et al to uphold the rights to self determination of any indeginous populace.
The UN charter was ratified and confirmed with the veto of Declaration Of Independent to any Oppressed populace that have attained the four rudimentary of nationhood: Population, Territorial boundaries, Government and Economical viability.
Understand that it was with that veto power confirmed on UN that availed Israel, Belgium and many other countries you see today independent. Biafra case might also be the same with that of Israel Nation all depends on how Mazi Nnamdi kanu and Ipob successfully manage and convince the international audience.
It is now clear that UN has the veto to declare Biafra independent if it chooses to but do you think the UN can intervene on Biafra issue considering their shenanigans and the exploitative interest of the imperialists over the oil and gas in Biafra land?
Take your breathe and read down the lines, Nothing is impossible before God.
Everybody both old and young know that the agitation for the restoration of Biafra as an Independent Sovereign Nation had gathered momentum and international recognition ever since Mazi Nnamdi kanu embarked on his diplomatic mission to the EU parliament, UN and most importantly the Capitol Hill and,
It seems obvious that his diplomatic move is gathering sympathizers from every angles of international domain especially the US government. The recognition of Ipob as a non terrorist organization by EU, UN and US even when Nigeria state proscribed them terrorists is a confirmation that Biafra agitators (Ipob) now have international sympathizers.
To me, one of the most effective and rectitudinous decisions of Mazi Nnamdi kanu's diplomatic move is the involvement of the US government over Biafra issue.
Have you ever considered what would have happened had Gen Ojukwu and the US government had a strong synergy and they come out in the open to recognize the Biafra of 67-70?
The US president Donald Trump as a conscientious man and most acknowledgeablely, the number One President of the world is concerned over the high level of religious intolerance and terrorism that is emanating from Nigeria whilst the Nigeria governmen tends to be docile or weak in handling insecurity and insurrection in the country. He is therefore duty bound to ensure serenity all over the world including Nigeria.
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For those that may argue that Nigeria is a sovereign nation and US can not interfere, go and research about Soviet Union and how US handled it. For US, country's sovereignty does not matter when it has to do with terrorism and self determination unless they tend to overlook.
Therefore the two implications here are, it is either the UN live up to their responsibility by conducting a referendum for the Biafran populace to determine their fate in Nigeria or the US government might exercise "Absolute Power" by recognizing the right to self determination of the Biafran people when the need for declaration of independent becomes a child of necessity.
(I know some of you might seem confuted but keep reading)
In case you do not know, nobody not even the UN can fight any country that US government recognized at least not for now she is still the World Power. A case study was the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Having discussed the obvious chances available for Biafra, either of the two one MUST happen and Biafra shall come
To Biafrans all over the globe,
I know the main question seeking for answer is: "How sooner is Biafra restoration?"
The truth is if I am to postulate considering the gluttonous/ sabotaging nature of a black man - the sad experience of the 67-70, the issue relating with the confiscation of the Radio Biafra transmitter by the Nigeria DSS which I believe was exposed by some high profile IPOB officers then,
The movement however took a new dimension of keeping classified information aware from public domain even within IPOB principal officers as only Mazi Nnamdi kanu and probably whomever he trust to confide with secret has access to the actual timing of Biafra, by so doing there won't be any room for sabotage.
But there is a shocking revelation that "Biafra will come this year IF we all work hard" and indisputably it was coming from the horses mouth (Mazi Nnamdi Kanu), as soon as I hear this I knew that the Biafra case is no longer a matter of IF but WHEN.
So you see why Biafra seems FAR to many especially those who are not within the heirachy circle of Ipob leadership, few people whom I also know has been tested and trusted are in the known of the actual date and year for Biafra freedom.
You reading this piece either as a Biafran or an Ipob member do not expect the message to come with full clarity because there is too many enemies of Biafra who are ready and willing to do everything to stop Biafra,
All you need do is to keep being positive, optimistic, resolute and uncompromisingly obeying every instruction being given and one of them is FOR EVERY BIAFRAN TO OPEN A TWITTER ACCOUNT, FOLLOW MAZI NNAMDI KANU AND ONE ANOTHER. Very very important that we adher to this command.
Are you still perplexed?
You do not have to be confused for he that is at the Pinnacle of the Biafra movement would not have made such utterances if there is no hope or assurance.
How many of you still remembered the signed and sealed document that prompted Mazi Nnamdi kanu to lift ban on 2019 presidential election boycott? I may not be surprised if those terms is breached because of the shenanigans of Nigeria government and some nations within the UN as I earlier explained.
The Nigeria government, or the presidency as they will always use because as it stands now Nigeria has no living president, they would have debunked or denied Mazi Nnamdi kanu's assertion of any signed and sealed document if that wasn't the case but some wailers and gossipers keep gossiping away their lives over something they are unaware of.
Having analysed the possible chances for Biafra above, I deem it necessary to remind Biafrans especially those of us in the Northern part of Nigeria to be on guard and join IPOB as soon as possible because,
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Any day Mazi Nnamdi kanu declare Biafra an independent nation ( which is our right and final resort), know that Biafra is come. This is more reason why Biafra restoration may be possible this year. Nobody knows that day EXCEPT Mazi Nnamdi kanu and those he trusted to confide classified information.
Do not forget the saying of Mazi Nnamdi kanu - "You shall sleep in Nigeria and wake up in Biafra".
The coming of Biafra will be a mystery and a surprise to many especially those who never believed that Chukwu Okike Abiama is the One that sent mazi Nnamdi kanu.

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