Linda Brickman, front left, vice chair of the Maricopa County Republicans, Dr. Kelli Ward, back left, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, talk with Rey Valenzuela, right, Maricopa County Elections Department Director of Early Voting and Election Services, as the department conducts a post-election logic and accuracy test for the general election Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020, in Phoenix
The GOP vice chairwoman, Linda Brickman had testified before Arizona State Legislators on Monday, 30th December, 2020. She stated how she witnessed President Trump's votes being entered into the Dominion machine changed, authomatically, to reflect a vote for Biden. She also said she was threatened and barred from the counting room after telling her supervisor what she saw.
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"I read her, a Trump Republican, ballot and as soon as she entered it into the system, the ballot defaulted on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot,” __GOP Vice Chairwoman testified
Despite multiple witnesses coming forward with similar stories, counters were reportedly never told whether any action had been taken to correct the miscount.
Maricopa County is among the largest in the nation with more than 2 million votes in the 2020 election.
Brickman said her purpose of appearing at the hearing was to speak the truth and protect the integrity of the election.

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