Full Text Of Nnamdi Kanu Audio Broadcast, 25th January 2021, As Transcribed, Compiled And Edited By JOURNAL REPORTERS (Page Two)
36. It was Britain who scuttled it because they did not want any of you to become developed, control your own economy nor have a life of your own. They want to keep feeling that they made us so we can not do without them.
37. So when people cry that Africa needs aids, vaccines are out but we do not have we fall back to them and they get this 'rankadede' feeling you have when beggars come to your house begging, so they want us to remain like that.
38. They knew that Ojukwu would have destroyed that, and that is why they hated him. Mind you, it was even an Ijaw man that said to Ojukwu "our original name is Biafra", and Ojukwu adopted it. Then the propaganda started flying sadly from our Yoruba brethren.
39. Now it is this Biafra that is labelled as terrorists, but the people that are kidnapping, raping and killing innocents civilians are not tagged terrorists like Miyetti Allah Rather they talk to them, they dialogue.
40. If we go back to one Nigeria, lets say we collapse IPOB and Oduduwa movement were to stop, do you think that any minority in the Fulani conquered North would be able to rise up to challenge them? If the answer is no, then those who are able should do it and that is why IPOB –this Biafra movement needs the support of everyone.
41. It doesn't matter whether you are from Ikot Ekpene, once you are suffering within Nigeria you need Biafra more than Biafra needs you. With a collapse of IPOB, how do you hope to get electricity in your life time? How you stop Fulani from taking over your ancestral lands? How do you get good roads? How do you hold these corrupt leaders responsible for their evils and deception?
42. If you say you want to remain in one Nigeria, I'm not begrudging you but just look at the Hausa people, that will be your fate ripped of your honour and integrity that is if they allow you to exist.
43. Anybody working against IPOB is working for the politicians against his own people. Do not fall for the outright calls that IPOB is against you people. If I am against everybody then why is it that when I was at DSS custody, those people that used to wash my clothes, clean my shoes, fetch water for me were kids they picked from Sokoto, Zamfara and tagged them Boko Haram sympathisers? And I even fed most of them for even four years.
44. Imagine only Fulani is at war with almost every ethnic group all over Nigeria and people are being intimidated but not Nnamdi Kanu, not IPOB, nor Biafra.
45. Now is the time we should bind together and after we must have succeeded in liberating Nigeria, there is going to be a referendum in which there would be three questions; do you want to remain a federation, a confederation or do you want everybody to go to their tent o Israel?
46. When I was in detention in DSS, one of the officers that usually take me to court said to me, "Do you know that I am a Christian and I am indegenous to Borno and my ancestors have been there for millenia?" I said no I don't. He said the mistake we make is that numbering almost everybody from the North is either Hausa or Fulani.
47. He said to me when he was bringing me back from the court that our problem is not with Biafra, is not with you, but if you go, what is going to be our fate? Because the reason we have not been slaughtered or forcefully converted to Islam, is because of the presence of an Igbo man in almost every place you go in Nigeria.
48. They have businesses in Yola, in Kano, in Kafanchan and they are doing well. A DSS officer confessed this to me that it is better for all of us to suffer in one Nigeria than to allow the East break away because there would be no buffer anymore, and nobody to protect us we are finished.
49. After tonight's lecture, I want you to go to the nearest hospital or maybe an A and E, and see how see how sick people, accident victims are suffering. Go to intenIsive Care (I.C) Unit, peep through the window and see once there is no pulse in that person they don't know what to do anymore, they just begin to pump electricity into the patient.
50. A normal person may receive that shock and may not survive it. But that person whose heart is no longer beating needs that shock to bring his heart to life. That is why we need to shock the dead nature of affairs.
51. The Nigerian journalists are also part of your problem because they do not educate you with the truth but propaganda everywhere.
52. When I gained bail from DSS, I was in my house and men of the army were scaling the walls of my house to come and kill me but I survived it and the newspapers did not carry it.
53. They confuse you that I say you are from the z** and you are animals but listen, I am not saying that because you are an animal but because I am trying to waken your conciousness to be angry in a good way to say "how can I change this my nature?" It is a very constructive criticism.
54. When Biafra is free and you are not free then we are all still not free. So there is no need to be jealous that my children must be better than yours because tommorow when you are sick, it might be the child of the other man that will develop a cure for you.
55. That is why in abroad when you don't send your children to school, your neighbour will call the police. I keep saying, if Biafra is free, then all of us are free. And if all of us are free, then we will enjoy the genuine benefits of democracy.
56. Those of you that voted for APC and stood gallantly to defend it, where are your rights today?
57. Now the trick they are using is that tankers are exploding and we think it's ordinary. The Fulani use their cattle to destroy your crops and when you talk, a tanker comes to blow up every market place they know they do not own. The latest one is at Nnewi and I posted the video for you to see.
58. The Nigeria army are actively involved in killing of lives and destruction of property. They know that Boko Haram is in the bush, but they prefer to be in town hunting people and Hope Uzodinma is the one that brought them a 419'er from Lagos, a thief and a criminal.
59. It is very sad indeed, rather than being in the North and fighting the bandits that they created, they are persecuting orphans. When are we going to rise and say enough is enough?
60. Forget #EndSARS, we need a revolution. When a Yoruba female preacher was killed, nothing happened. But Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) have the right to say people who are killers should be compensated. That is Nigeria for you.
61. They initially pointed out an Igbo man to you, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, to take out your frustration on, whereas they are busy colonising you and subjugating you in your own land. That was what the Fulanis have done very cleverly.
62. It is only now that our brother Bayo Oluwasomi is saying that Fulani have now launched a genocidal war on the Yorubas, to tell you that what goes around invariably comes around. History will always repeat itself, Buhari came and destroyed lives and property. He was thankfully overthroned by Babangida and in 2015 you people brought him back.
63. In your one Nigeria, the Fulani terrorists are being given millions of naira and receiving Hilux in Abuja and being termed repentant bandits. That is why if you remain in Nigeria, you are going to die. That is the reason we do what we do.
64. We want to save you, and make your lives better and make sure you enjoy the dividends of your freedom that we wish Biafran people all over the world. That is why we need you to wake up.
65. There must be a revolution, you must support IPOB in what they are doing, and that is why we need to bring all this suffering to an end. If you have a relative in the army and they are killing innocent people, know that there will be a pay back time for them.
66. We are not just going to lament about all the evil they have done, but we are going to revenge. We will not forgive them and I am saying it live so that the whole world can hear me.
67. Lastly, there are a few special announcements I will like to make. Our new USA Financial Secretary is Mrs Latina Mark Peters, and also our Asset Recovery Officer is Dr. Nelly Ofegbu. The rest is going to be put in place.
68. We must know that we have four independent regional coordinators in the United States of America; Central Regional Coordinator, Pacific Regional Coordinator, Eastern Regional Coordinator and Mountain Regional Coordinator.
69. You know that we are doing a fantastic job and our land is safer than it was yesterday. The z** will try everything possible to intimidate because it is in their nature but we will not be afraid, we will stand firm.
70. With this I have come to the end and of this broadcast and from me, with evccery love in my heart, it is good evening, remain blessed my dear people.

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