By Okenwa Chinedu
Have you ever taken your time to ponder why majority of Igbos ( Biafrans) outside Eastern region, but within Nigeria, always exhibit morbid fear about Biafra agitation? Have you asked yourself why despite the seemingly mass exodus of Fulani from Eastern region, following the recent and long anticipated activities of Eastern Security Network, Igbos in the north appears reluctant and unwavering?
A Wiseman once told me that "the weakness of an Igbo man lies in his acquisitions". I never understood his words until recent time when somebody is ready and willing to face impending bloodbath, in the north, than abandon his sweaty acquired possessions.
But the Wiseman also said to me, "he who lives will surely reposses but he who thinks life is unworthy without wealth will watch over his possessions from the grave"
It is therefore because of the glaringly obsessive-compulsive disorder in the psyche of these set of individuals that compelled me to put down this write-up, that the wise may become more wiser and the fool may become more foolish.
First, in the documentary of Lord Lugard, the founder and creator of the business enterprise, a contraption and geographical expression otherwise known as Nigeria, while hinting at the characteristics of the three major tribes that inhabit Nigeria, described an Igbo man (Biafrans) as 'an adventurer and people who abhors any form of slavery and can not be easily tamed'.
On the other hand he described the Fulani (Arewa) as people who are backward in developmental project, they are subservient and can be easily controlled or tamed.
Lord Lugard during the time of his trade deal discovered that the Igbos despite their immune from, the unique reputations against slavehood also have weaknesses which lies in their quest for adventures and improvisation.
That is to say "they are ready to tolerate and overlook all manner of injustice melted on them just to secure their properties or have a sinister business deal with someone".
He understood that Biafrans can be obsessed with their acquisitions.
ALSO READ: Only IPOB Can Stage A Revolution – Nnamdi Kanu
It was that same weakness as was discovered by Lord Lugard and some British colonialists that played out after the Holocaust war (1967-70) that cost the lives of over 5million innocent Biafrans, hence the increasing influx of Igbos all in the bid to secure their properties.
It was a traumatic experience and those that lived, as the wise saying above connotes, repossessed but,
Unlike the Jews of Israel who learnt their lessons in the hard way through their Holocaust experience, most of the Igbo (Biafran) people moved on with One Nigeria like nothing happened.
It takes one's understanding of his weaknesses to know how to cope or overcome them.
Major General Dim Odumegwu Ojukwu, Ojike Mbonu, Philip Effiong with many others discovered the weaknesses of their people, Ndigbo, but the literate and educated Zik, Nzeogu and others fell victim of an "obsessed young guy who was madly in love" with their acquired properties in the North, and so they neglected every counsel and advice just to have their lover (Nigeria).
To Zik and cohorts, life is assumed worthless without their acquired properties in the North so, the wanton deaths of their people in the of Muslim extremists in the North from 1945-60 became secondary hence primary intuition was on how to secure their property in the North is assured in one Nigerian.
Quite unfortunate the sociocultural groups – Ohaneze Ndigbo and PANDEF – never discovered this weakness of theirs till date and the younger generation keep falling victims.
I overheard someone saying it took Mazi Nnamdi Kanu twenty five good years with Divine inspiration to unravel and discover the shackles surrounding his people and I'm moving that motion because Kanu has proven to be endowed in all ramifications. People should listen to him, or perish in ignorance.
The Fulani Conspiracy
The British colonialists having experienced the Ekumeku war between them and the Igbo-Biafran people, having seen the resisting strong will of the Biafrans from being tamed or enslaved,
And knowing fully well of the Biafran weakness, found Fulani nomads worthy of alliance to sustain their business enterprise by tutoring them on how to dominate every other tribes within the present day Nigeria territories,
Thence began the Fulani conspiracy (Note that Hausa's and every other ethnicity within the North were conquered so they are unknowingly or indirectly playing the game of their conquerors).
First they ensured industrial and commercial emasculation within the Biafra territory, shut down the air/sea ports and shifting them towards the western and northern regions respectively not forgetting "Divide and Rule mechanism".
The British taught the Fulani how to embark on collective long term goal setting to infiltrate " individualistic" Biafrans who engages in planning only when he/she is faced with business trip, wedding or erecting a mansion. Being an adventurer, they understand that their regions will be developed by you so they provided you with an affordable and cheap lands knowing fully well they will take back what you bought from them in the near future.
If the Fulani believe in UNITY as they trickishly proclaim, they could have at least erect a befitting structure in the Eastern region given to them free of charge. But hell no because they have their plans.
They may claim to be accommodating yet Igbos buy virtually everything with their hard earned money in the North whereas they got huge hectares of land in Eastern region free of charge.
An average Biafran could not look beyond NOW. He cannot ponder on the danger that will befall the younger generation leaving their region undeveloped.
You (Igbos) allowed them and they are taking advantage of your weaknesses, they knew that an Igbo man, ijaw man etc will hardly unite to fight a common enemy because you possess individualistic threats.
Because the Ohaneze and Pandef of this world who are assumed educated and intelligent could not reason beyond their selfish ambitions, the Biafran region is abyss of developmental projects till date. If not for the efforts of Sam Mbakwe of Blessed memory!
The years of absurdity of the older generation because of affluence, power and materials acquisitions have given Fulanis the ample opportunity to gain access to Eastern region and their goals almost coming to terminal point, now they are fully ready to implement their long term jihadist plans.
Could you imagine over a fifty year old plans coming to fruition before your very own eyes?
Some of you might have come across an audio clip of phone conversation between a Yoruba man, Ibikunle Amosun f(ormer Osun state Governor) and alhaji Ibrahim Shettima the former Borno state Governor which went viral around 2017 or thereabout.
The hidden agenda to cripple Igbo businesses, sell lands at high price to Igbo's(Biafrans) after 2020 is an incontrovertible evidence that Fulani and some Yoruba sellouts partners in the grand conspiracy. I give them credit for that.
Today some of those lands they sold to you at the rate of 10k are indirectly being taken away from you under the guise of unknown ownership of C of O ownership. It is now like the devil's gift – GIVE with the right hand and TAKE it back with the left hand.
Only those living in the North can understand this anyway.
While you were busy embarking on an adventure in a strange land and shouting one Nigeria because you have properties in the North, they (Fulani) are strategically planning to RUGALISE your villages for final jihadist conquest.
Because we, as a nation, have refused to sit together and proffer solution for the betterment of our livelihood, because of our individualistic nature, because of our obsessive behaviour over material acquisition.
The Fulani have continued to mess up our lives making sure we are denied breathing space for self expression. They now burn our markets at will, confiscate our goods for no justifiable reasons yet some Biafrans would not want to work collectively to stop the ongoing mess.
Just as life is difficult to majority of our people down home because we refused to reason, so also is becoming of our brothers in the North because Fulani think they have gotten all they need and it is time to show Biafrans in their land their true colour.
Multiple taxation is now the order of the day because their tax measure is placed on Biafrans as their target.
Ask Biafrans in the North and they will tell you how NEPA bill, Revenues, tenament rates and every other tax is reserve for them with few Yoruba and Christian minorities, Fulani's and core arewas don't pay such bills.
That is one Nigeria for you.
I met one of our brother who owns and manages a school in Jos (name with held), he narrated how they are suffering from incessant taxes in the educational sector.
Understand something here,
Fulani think they have gotten all it take to conquer and its time to unleash mayhem considering the fact that an Igbo, ijaw, urhobo or any Biafran who had acquired properties in the North could hardly think home, so a tax of 10k during Jonathan regime under Baba Jang is now 400k,
A form of 1800 is now renewed at 50k, 150k for schools whose school uniform doesn't correspond with the colour of the school sign board (imagine) and failure to comply within stipulated period warrants 200k or risk loosing your license and the school shut down.
The disheartening one is that every school proprietor should go and buy 10hectares of land or risk loosing license.
Note that 97% of school owners in Jos are biafrans, the rest are Yoruba and they operates as missionary schools so it is all over the North.
Consider how Biafran dominated markets in Keffi, Nasarawa toto L.G.A, masaka, Lafia, Jabi to mention but a few were burnt down and how it was carried out systematically.
You will understand that the Fulani are waging economical war against our people in the North yet Biafrans till today never think home, we have refused to overcome our weakness and come together like the Jews did to fight for our freedom.
I have seen majority of Biafrans suffering and managing to eat 3square meal a day yet we think life is affordable for them in the North.
The only thing these people can boast of is that North hides them, it shelves them from the competition in the East....this is to say that with meager capita you living in the North can manage with your business with no much competitors, that's all nothing much.
Unlike in the late 70's, 80's, 90's where Biafrans doing carpentry, mason, bricklaying or any handiwork you can think of in the North can boast of earning a living (because back then northerners knew nothing about carpentry work or any handiwork, it was Biafrans with few Yoruba's that tutored them).
Now that thing you knows all, they have gradually learnt all from you; that hand work you are doing as a Biafran a handwork you would normally charge 1k to do a northerner will collect #100 and do it.
Have you considered what will become of your handwork in the next couple of years?
I don't think you do.
Some Biafrans who knows nothing about handwork will say that his fellow Biafran charged high and so we continue to blame and cajole ourselves without knowing that the problem behind all of these is NIGERIA retarded mentality.
Those excuses you have about our people back home will be treated once Biafra is restored or do you think we will allow another experience of Nigeria in a new independent Biafra Nation? God forbid.
Lets take our adventure back home hence there is nothing to loose in the end.
Aku ruo ulo, amara onye kpara ya.

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