Full Text Of Mazi Nnamdi kanu Radio Biafra Broadcsat On Thursday February 4, 2021, Transcribed, Compiled And Edited By JOURNAL REPORTERS (Page One)
1. Those saying they can not hear anything are those in the zoo. (Chineke ekwere ihe ojo, unbelievable!) But not minding we are proceeding, endeavour to share all the links as widely as possible. It is an impromptu broadcast, people all over the world on this very planet, they are listening, they want to participate and we want them to participate, because we are live and we are direct so the whole world is bearing is witness.
2. There is no sound on YouTube or Facebook, only on the app. I don't know what the hell is going on, I have no idea what is happening at all. You Tube channel is good to go, Biafra Television is carrying us. Facebook they say there is no sound, I don't know what is happening.
3. I don't know how to rectify this now. My screen here is not on mute, I've unmuted it. So I believe the best thing for us to do, is to try as much as possible to be on many platforms as possible at the same time.
4. In this case, those of you with Facebook access or wishing to listen to us via Facebook this evening, I don't know what is happening. You know what Facebook does these days is, they try to shut us down completely across the platforms so that we will not be able to broadcast.
5. That is what they are doing and we are doing everything we can in our own little way to try and fix this very problem. I don't know why the voice is not coming out but we are going to try to make sure we do all we can that this broadcast this evening is held.
6. This is a live presentation, this is Radio Biafra, we are live and we are direct and we are trying out new technology because the powers that be, those that want to determine how we reason are doing their best to make our lives a misery. But we are also doing all we can to make sure that they do not succeed.
7. We are on You Tube but I need to know where we are on YouTube, if people can be able to get what we are doing. Very very important please do bear with us, we have trying all we can to fix this very program this evening.
8. We are doing all we can to make sure that we come to you live and direct this evening as we have promised you. I do not know if we are live and direct precisely this very moment, but what I can say to you is that we are trying to rectify this problem.
9. Anybody who understands the way we work, anybody who knows the way we work will know that we are doing all we can to fix this. Now we are about to enter our studio, and I need confirmation. They say I need to click on add, I don't know what that means. Right now let us try and go live to see if everything is working as intended.
10. I believe we are live now but I need confirmation. There is no mute here, everything has been unmuted. If you can hear me right across all of the platforms please do let me know. If you can hear me on stream yard, please let me know.
11. In couple of places they say we are listening, people say they are listening but we need confirmation that the voice is coming out on stream yard because we are going to do a lot of things on this device, because I don't know if Facebook have gotten to them
12. So in my next broadcast, I'm going to come to you via my Instagram and Twitter handle.
13. This is a radio Biafra live presentation, my name is Nnamdi Kanu, and I am the leader of the very special people of Biafra, and by the special grace of The Most High Elohim, Chukwu Okike Abiama puru ime ihe niile, servant of the most high God.
14. We are here to serve you in every truth and honesty. I lead IPOB, the largest movement on the face of this very planet earth. I direct Radio Biafra and Biafra Television and we are doing all to make sure that our voice is heard all over the world.
15. I sincerely and wholeheartedly apologise for this very delay so to speak, because it was not intended, this is not what we planned, but that was how it turned out and, you cannot believe what is happening this evening (laughs) even the Facebook platform that I wanted to use this evening has gone blank.
16. University of Radio Biafra is not transmitting, Radio Biafra has gone blank. It is absolutely unbelievable, you need to bear with me because we are trying to rectify this very problem. If we do not fix it this very day, our enemies will take it somehow that they have prevailed, and we can never let them feel that they have prevailed, because what we are doing is something that Chukwu Okike Abiama puru ime ihe niile has directed us to do.
17. So I need confirmation that we can be heard on various numerous Facebook platforms. I need confirmation before we can proceed. Are we coming out on Facebook on this very planet? I want to know because they say the voice is breaking, that they can't hear me.
18. From IPOB Community Radio App, they say that the voice is breaking as well. They are trying to do all that they can to attack us, but we are going to show them that we are prepared on this very occation.
19. The world must hear the truth about what is happening in the damnable z**logical republic, and that is what they are trying to sabotage. Now there is some major confirmation that we are coming out on Facebook, all those on Facebook please go to Aiden Dillion. I can see them turning here. I believe that is Facebook permitting. Please go and get your apps ready.
20. By the next broadcast we shall try to rectify whatever problems that we have encountered here, and also my new app is out, we are going to try and put that on the market so that's everybody can download it and of course it is free. Somebody said that Obinna this listening from South Africa and it is clear. And if you go to Aiden Dillion's account, you can get us live and you can share it on all other platforms.
21. If you have not brought out your pen and paper please may I recommend you to do so immediately. Janjaweed alamajiri, bring your slate and your chalk. Because once again this evening on this glorious platform, on this very finest University across the face of the earth, we are going to preach the gospel of restoration of the kingdom of light, the kingdom of heaven upon the face of this very earth.
22. That is what we are going to do, because that is what we have been mandated to do. This very evening we begin with the simple question. Because when it comes to black people, especially in Africa, when you want to tease out their reasoning capacity, you start by asking them a simple question.
23. My question this evening is this, those of you that call yourselves Nigerians, those ethnic nationalities trapped in the z**logical republic, I want you to ask yourself a very simple question – Are you prepared to be honest with yourself, are we all prepared to be honest with ourselves?
24. Because when this whole thing started when Chukwu Okike Abiama determined that IPOB should come, a lot of people in the z**logical republic were laughing at us, they called us a lot of names, they ridiculed us.
25. That is why when people try to ridicule you, please, please, please, for goodness sake, if you are on the path of righteousnes, do not listen to them.
26. That is why they say we are very stubborn. But we are not. What I'm trying to do is to build a context or form a preamble upon which the rest of the message this evening will rest. What I want to ask the teaming audience listening to us from all over the world, including our dear brother from Cameron is, are you prepared to be honest with yourselves?
27. For once this evening or should I say for the next one or two hours I will ask you to get yourself and abandon every grain of envy, jealousy and of greed inside you and acknowledge the truth. After this evening you may continue to, should I say, wallow in your foolish ways, but for this very evening, I ask you to be honest with yourselves for once and ask yourself – "Can I be honest with myself?"
28. And after you ask yourself this question, I now will ask you a general question. What is the cause of the present insecurity in Nigeria?
29. What is the cause of banditry, insurgency, armed robbery, the heightened state of kidnapping and killings in Nigeria?
30. And before you answer this question, bear in mind that you have the army, they have guns (it's only in Nigeria that the army don't defend the borders, they use their guns to do police work). You have the police, you have the Customs, they also carry arms, you have the Civil Defense, they also have their guns, you have the Federal Roads Safety Corp, they also bear guns.
31. You have different security agencies, you have DSS, the Navy, you have all these people. But despite the fact that they are heavily armed, the right to kill or determine anyone who is to be killed exclusively rests with the government.
32. Then ask yourself why you still have insecurity in Nigeria. And if you look back some years ago or should I say a few decades ago, was it this way? These things were not happening, even during Jonathan, a highly incompetent and shambolic government. Were things as bad as they are today when we were under Jonathan? That is the question I need you to ask yourself.
33. Are you prepared to be honest this evening? And ask yourself if you are prepared to answer this question. What is the cause of insecurity in Nigeria? If you can answer this question then we are in business so to speak.
34. Because some of you do not know, or some of you know but you pretend not to know, that the present problem in Nigeria is caused by the Fulani tribe or ethnicity or group.
35. When I say it they say I'm profiling, you know I'm not profiling. Because if you look at the way they approach these issues in Nigeria, it tells you one thing; that they know what they are doing. They are part and parcel of this very problem.
36. I don't believe in the z** called Nigeria, I am not part of the damnable z**logical republic, and I will never ever be! Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Don't take my word for it, take the word of the Governor of Benue state.
37. The same thing that Governor Ortom is saying now that everybody is jumping up and down for is what IPOB warned everybody about many many years ago. In return instead of love, what we got was their insult, "they are Yahoo, they are criminals, they are scammers, they want to scam everybody, they are this, they are that".
38. And thankfully, you see God in His infinite mercy, chose those that will be in IPOB to pilot and to propel this movement forward. Can you imagine what would have become of everybody have we had listened to any of you mouthing your rubbish then.
39. You used to insult us, you cursed us, you said all manner of things, but we continued because we believe in the righteousnes of what we are doing. Now one day, all of you will see that thing that we spoke and it has happed today.
40. Just listen to what Governor Ortom of Benue state said, so that when I blame the Fulanis Facebook can understand it. Facebook said I was profiling people and I said to them you don't understand what is happening. One day Facebook will tell us that Nazi party or those that belong to the Nazi party are not Germans, that's what they are going to tell us.
41. Have you heard of any Fulani man rising up to comdemn the raping and the killing, the pillaging, the striking of villages and the land grab that is going on in the South? All they say to you is "try and live peacefully, one Nigeria, oh let's not rock the boat, the nation should be one". That is what you will hear, but not one single word upon the nation.
42. Why is it very difficult for all of you to understand that the Fulani have come to conquer, to pillage and to take your lives over?
43. Look at what is happening in Yoruba land, can you see what is happening there? Can you observe what is happening? The young man who has come out and is championing the course, there is no castigation about him, Yoruba journalists are queuing to have him, almost every 30 seconds they are writing about him, because they control the media.
44. Even the young man appeared to have casted some measure of aspersions on the Ooni of Ife, they quickly prevailed upon him to apologise and he did and that was the end of it. Can you imagine if such a thing were to happen in the East? Because the people of the East are full of greed, envy and jealousy. Shame should befall all of you.
45. They are campaigning and raising money. Nobody has ever called him a thief or a scammer or a rogue, no, not at all. Because they understand that to move from one location to another they need buses, they need transportation, they need fuel. There is no envy, there is no greed, there is no jealousy.
I can not see people queuing up in Yoruba land to say that "oh that thing he is doing, I can do it as well oo". No, they are all queuing up behind him. But in the East, it is a different matter altogether.
46. That is why you people were suffering before God Almighty in heaven determined that IPOB should come, and today we have saved everybody.
47. Without IPOB, all that is happening in the West couldn't have happened for sure, without IPOB Governor Ortom can not stand up to say what he is saying. Because now everybody has seen that there is one immovable number in this equation and that is IPOB.
48. Everybody has seen that people may fall to the left or to the right, people can be cajoled into abandoning what they bbelieve in, but they know that the soul, the heart of IPOB is strong. That has now given some people the impetus to rise up and speak the truth.
49. That same truth we are speaking and they said that IPOB must be proscribed. We said the same thing that these people are now saying in Nigeria. That is why I love IPOB. Something that this movement saw about 10 years ago, you are now seeing it.
50. They said I am arrogant, why shouldn't I be arrogant? I am a very humble person, and the people that I lead are the most humble people in the world. If you doubt me, you can travel from any place in the world and come to this country and say you are looking for IPOB National Coordinator and your problems are solved.

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