Full Text Of Mazi Nnamdi kanu Radio Biafra Broadcsat On Thursday February 4, 2021, Transcribed, Compiled And Edited By JOURNAL REPORTERS (Page Two)
51. We built a global family and my happiness today is that they are unmovable. I read rather amazingly that my dear brethren, my friends and brothers from Odudua are raising money for the young man (Sunday Igboho), I was very very happy. And they said they want to raise for him 51 million naira. And they raised 4 million in less than an hour. And I want them to go on and give him more.
52. I want to talk about the noble family of IPOB. I call it "noble family" because if you are not in it, you will not understand what we are doing.
53. The same amount of money people are jumping up and down to contribute today is what we pay one consultancy firm in Washington every month, excluding our lawyers.
54. The people that contribute this money you don't even know them, some of them will contribute and say "no I don't want my name to be mentioned. That is why I pray for you everyday. They are all IPOB. And that makes me understand that there is something very specific about IPOB, too special.
55. No wonder, not everybody is worthy to be part of it. That is why sometimes if you allow evil spirits to get into you, you leave IPOB. Because God Almighty in heaven set up IPOB with a very puritanical mindset.
56. Unless you are clean, you can not be in IPOB. You will just wake up one morning and see that you are gone because you are not clean or pure enough.
That is why we won the argument in the z**. So it is no longer news that all these years, IPOB has been right.
57. Now you understand it don't you? That we are the chosen children of God in heaven, we are the children of light, we are always right. Of course we are humans, we may be fallible because we are mortals, but in the end we always get it right.
58. And I don't think that Nigerians are giving us enough credit for the wonderful work that IPOB is doing for everybody.
59. IPOB is like Jesus Christ, they crucified us for others to have life. The suffering, the pain, the invasion after invasion, the massacre after massacre. Nkpor, Agba, Iguocha, everywhere they were killing us. The same people that were laughing when they were killing us are the same people that are now saying "oh, they were right oo".
60. And you know Yoruba journalism, fear will never allow them to say that IPOB have been right all this years and to say "we apologise, thank you". Do you now understand it. That is why they are chasing us all over the place.
61. They give money to Facebook and tell them not to allow us broadcast. They were blaming me for everything that was happening in Ogun, and Oyo, that I was the one that set it up, but heaven knows that I don't know the brave young man.
62. And anybody who thinks that they can destroy or subdjugate Yoruba land, they are dreaming, because they (Yorubas) are not going to allow that to happen.
63. You will never hear a Yoruba man from Kogi saying "I am Yoruba Kogi, I am not Yoruba I'm not from Ife". Even in Kwara state, where they have an Emir from Illorin, you can not have a Yoruba man from Kwara saying "I'm not Yoruba".
64. But here somewhere from Ahaba, not Asaba, across the river", somebody from Onitcha Ngwoo, somebody from Ukwuani, somebody from Umunede, Umu meaning children, somebody from a place called Igweakari will say "I'm not Igbo oo". Somebody answering Wike will say "I'm not Igbo".
65. I want the world to understand the hurdles and the obstacles IPOB had to overcome to get to where we are today. And we are still dealing with the most difficult and idiotic race on this earth; difficult to a fault for no reason.
66. Even Hausa and Fulani will say "we are Hausafulani", (but that was in those days). People will say "I'm Fulani, I don't mix with Igbo". All these people, they are Igbos. These are the only people that deny their identity.
67. That is how difficult they are, and when you ponder how difficult they are and how IPOB has come far with them, you will know the kind of work we have put in to unite the Igbo people.
68. The Ibibio are Igbos, Ijaw are related to Igbo, but they will say "Ijaw Igbo. All these people are from Arochukwu.
69. Now people have known that their redeemer is IPOB, ESN, they are even coming out and they are confessing off camera, in secret that "oh, we got it wrong, we didn't know you people were right all along. They find it difficult to say.
70. How do you even begin to imagine that we have been right all this while? How right we have been all along. I never knew that my Yoruba friends were waiting for somebody to emerge like Nnamdi Kanu in the West. That is why they were attacking us oo, because they did not have anybody like us in their own area.
71. But as soon as one came up, (Chineke ekwe la ihe ojo), you can see the way they eulogise everyday, "we now have our own!".
72. Let me tell you or prove to you how right IPOB has been all along. Out of greed, envy and jealousy, when you see the truth, you bypass the truth, you lie to yourselves, you decieve yourselves, you want to make yourselves feel good.
73. And that is why the Bible says the truth shall set you free. Do you know why people are now clamouring and speaking out openly about Fulani janjaweedism? It is because the Bible has made us to believe that ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set ye free".
74. Without Ortom speaking the truth that he spoke, his people, Tiv people can not be free. They must speak that truth for freedom to come.That outspokenness brings freedom. Even the Tiv people are saying that we have now gotten our own Nnamdi Kanu.
75. Without Yoruba realising that IPOB has been speaking the truth, they will never be free. This is to tell you that God Almighty sent us, not man.
76. And remember, I use to tell you that we will win, eventually in the end, we will win. At the end of the day Biafra will come, and once Biafra comes, some of you that is the end of your job, mine will continue.
77. I don't want to hear the name Nigeria. The way they erased the name Biafra from History books, from Geography textbooks is how I want the name Nigeria to go extinct. The name will not exist. Once Biafra comes some of you can move on, but I will remain to make sure that the name is buried, never to rise again.
78. If you don't respect or fear IPOB in this earth, then which other phenomenon will you fear on this earth? If you don't revere and love IPOB then what else can you revere on this earth?
79. People that saw something 10 years back ago and told you. I'm not mincing words, I told you that the Fulanis, they are coming, and they are coming with every strategy to attack you and take from you what belongs to you. And it came to pass.
80. Anything I say will come to pass. It's a gift from the Almighty God in heaven not man. That is why I tell you with every degree of certainty that Biafra will come, sooner than you expect it.
81. Facebook took down my page because I told them who is responsible for what is happening in Nigeria now, and I told them who would be responsible in the future for any future mayhem or killings.
82. I want the world to listen very very carefully. I want the whole world to know exactly what is happening so follow very well. Because the truth cannot be hidden, who are you to hide the truth?
83. The truth must be spoken, and that is exactly what we are doing here, that is what we intend to do and that is what we are going to continue doing until the end of time, because some of you do not understand what the z** has in store for you.
84. Governor Ortom mentioned all the zones in Nigeria with general insecurity propelled by the Herdsmen and the Fulanis. Now, who is responsible for this insecurity? But that is the question that everybody is running away from.
85. The say herdsmen, they say hoodlums, who are those people? Ortom went ahead to say in a petition to the federal government, that if they want peace, Miyetti Allah must be arrested. Because they have killed, they have mamed and they have raped.
86. Now this is the same Miyetti Allah working with Obiano and Ikpeazu. And the say you are insulting governors, our leaders. How can I not insult you when you working with bandits, with rapists, kidnappers and killers?
87. The same Miyetti Allah that your Presidency said that they are legitimate stakeholders of Nigeria, a terrorist group. Governor Ortom has asked the presidency to act fast because there is no peace and there is no time.
88. So you see, when I say the herdsmen are the Fulanis, they are raping people, killing them and cutting them into pieces, Facebook will cut me off because they are paying them to help cover all these things up.
89. These days in this world will live in now, people prefer to excuse abomination after abomination, evil after evil. Nobody wants to speak the truth, and that is why they removed president Trump.
90. Once you speak the truth in this world you are gone, you are no longer politically correct. Where satan found this power to be destroying good people, I do not know.
91. It is crystal clear that the people committing these crimes and atrocities are the Fulanis. Now they say that I am profiling them that I should not profile them and I said okay I won't profile them.
92. If it is not a grand design by the entire Fulani Caliphate or should I say Sokoto Caliphate, then why do they not come out to categorically condemn what is happening?
93. Listen very carefully, Governor Ortom as well has confirmed that "the Miyetti Allah, who are committing all these atrocities, their leadership is in Abuja, in the presidency but nothing is being said".
94. Because of course I say to you that Buhari is dead, but some of you may not know because they are covering it up. They say that if people know that Buhari is dead, then IPOB will take all the credit. That is the only reason why the do not want you to know.
95. For your average Yoruba journalists, it is better for everybody to die than to concede that IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu has been right all along.
96. Of course if Buhari was alive, you know him now, he would have done something, at least he would have said something. What you have is a docille, imbecilic presidency.
97. Who are those in your presidency? "They are Miyetti Allah", according to a Governor of a state. Not IPOB, not a Biafran, not Nnamdi Kanu but a Tiv man from middle belt.
98. If not for Tiv people everybody would have been gone by now. They are very strong people and they said we refuse to speak that your Hausa, we have our own language. Go and google it, few days ago the presidency came out and said: "Ohaneze, PANDEF, you must respect Miyetti Allah oo".
99. The same Miyetti Allah that a certain Governor is accusing of masterminding rape, mutilations, man-slaughter, land grab, general insecurity. But an Igbo man would be denying his true identity.
100. Can you see how a band of terrorists defend themselves? Even the Fulani presidency is coming out to protect Fulani people that said they are from Mali, they are from Niger, they are from outside Nigeria, can we not even learn something from them?

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