BREAKING: ESN Is In Edo State, Work Will Commence Very Soon; Nnamdi Kanu Speaks On Edo State IPOB Family
The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu says Edo State IPOB family comes under Biafra land cordinationship, informs the Edo Coordinate to follow and receive directives from Mazi Ikechukwu, Biafra land Coordinator.
"I want to announce that Edo State comes under the jurisdiction of Biafra land Coordinator.
"Edo State coordinator, if you know him you tell him, you're under Biafra land led by (Mazi) Ikechukwu. Do you understand?"
Kanu made the announcement in a radio Biafra broadcast he personally anchored on Friday morning.
He warned that state coordinators should not interfer with or dabble in the affairs of ESN Command, noting that ESN Commander and IPOB State Coordinators have nothing in common in terms of their positions.
"I must make very very clear and I have also noticed with great worry that some people in IPOB family on Edo State are dabbling in our affairs with Volunteer Command, ESN, from Edo State.
"Volunteer Command from Edo State has nothing to do with State Coordinator. I'm making it very very clear now."
Speaking about the apex governing body of IPOB and the need for every member of IPOB to inculcate discipline, Nnamdi Kanu stated, "Anything that DOS says goes. Anybody not following orders from Chika Edoziem, you'll be removed from IPOB and sanctioned appropriately.
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"You know before we remove you without knowing where you're, this time around we'll catch you before we remove you
"Anything DOS says is what goes. Nzurumike is heading our Reconciliation Committee. If he calls you on the phone you must listen to him and do as he says. He is our deputy head of Directorate of State, DOS, led by Mazi Chika Edoziem. They're the highest decision making body in IPOB, if that thing is difficult they now refer it to me. Do you understand?
"If they call you on the phone and you don't return their call or you're doing stronghead, I'll then believe that the z** ( Nigerian government) has bought you over and you'll be dealt with.
"Edo State be warned! No dabbling in Volunteer's affairs or ESN affairs in Edo State.
"ESN is in Edo State for your information and very soon work will commence there immensely. Work will commence. Edo State comes under Ikechukwu, Biafra land Coordinator
"We run a discplined movement more than anything. We value discipline more than any other thing in the world, in IPOB. That is the only thing we have.
"That we're able to defeat the z** (Nigeria) is heed on one thing, and that's discpline. If you know you can not work for IPOB you get out and join the sabo. One day your judgement will come and those hiding in Cotonou, those hiding in a river swamp in Rivers State, we'll find all of you. I said Rivers State but I mean upland and coaster region."

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